My last vacation was from 1 March. I liked my vacation. On Sunday, I met with my friends and we went for a walk Bought a lot of balloons. It was fun On Monday, I met with a friend at the music school. He told me that he goes to his teacher for guitar and invited me to go with him. On Tuesday, I went with Mom in Red Square. On Wednesday and Thursday we were preparing for the holiday March 8. Dad and Mom were preparing gifts and sister. On Friday, I went to work for my mother. On Saturday we prepared various delicious dishes, and on Sunday celebrated the 8th of March.
How old are they? Twelve. Сколько им лет? Двенадцать. Where are they from? Moscow Откуда они? Из Москвы. Have they got a big family? mum,dad and sister Julia У них большая семья? Мама, папа и сестра Джулия. What are they like? a talented sportsman,merry,brave and smart Что в них нравится? Они талантливые спортсмены, очаровательны, храбры и умны. What do they like? sport and travelling Что им нравится? Спорт и путешествия. What are they good at? skateboarding,snowboarding and carting В чём они хороши? В скейтбординге, сноубординге и картинге. What are they famous for? Master ofSports in carting Чем они знамениты? Они - мастера спорта в картинге. What are their dream jobs? a sportsman Кем они хотят работать? Спортсменами.
There are some carrots on the plate.
I have an apple in my bag.