Добрый день, можно ли ребенку как-то доходчиво объяснить образование словосочетаний в .яз со словом up ? интересует именно придаток и именно его роль в образовании слов. (к примеру : get up, stand up, wake up)
I usually eat sandwich and drink tea for breakfast. After school i eat soup and past with vegetables. Sometimes i eat salad and juice for lunch. I never drink milk and i never eat sour cream because i don't like dairy. I eat a lot food for dinner . I always starring after my dance school. I usually eat meat and salad fir dinner. Sometimes i eat potatoes with vegetables . I love chocolates and fruits. Chocolates make me happy. Fruits are healthy. They give me energy. I know, i like eat. But not much. What about you? Не знаю сколько точно здесь предложений, но думаю сойдет;)
1. Household and industrial waste disposal sites and заборники liquid effluent every year occupy new square, вычленяя new areas from agricultural use.
2. Pollution sewage-water sources undesirable forms of microorganisms and microfauna and solid sediment contributes to decrease the content of oxygen in the water and change in her composition of microorganisms.
3. Soil washout with coastal areas helps to silting of water bodies, especially of the small rivers.
4. Смытая soil, fertilizers and organic sewage contribute to the development of the waters of unusual algae and change of the species composition of ecosystems.
5. The poisoning of the soil and water with toxic substances from the waste of various productions.
6. Changing the PEAK of the soil nearby from dumping areas due to the constant inflow of leachate, saturated with heavy metals, pesticides, dyes, oxides of various elements.
7. Air quality iodine influence of combustion of fuel, garbage, tires, stubble residues that causes acid rain.
8. Contamination of air, soil and water with radioactive substances, the number of which increases every year due to human activity: the production of nuclear energy (nuclear, atomic weapons), waste (slag) from the manufacture of individual elements, the production of radioactive substances (uranium, vanadium, etc.).
9. Increase in the number of gaseous substances (carbon dioxide, dioxides)emitted into the air (emissions of enterprises, in waste incineration etc), lowers the amount of oxygen that contributes to climate change.
10. Pollution of the environment with wastes of human activity is the cause changes in the gene pool of organisms of many ecosystems, including man, enters in food prices increased concentrations of individual substances and compounds (reactive), changing species and population composition of the systems.