When I came to the party, Nick had already gone home.
“Can I help you, madam?” “No, thank you. I am being served.
A new supermarket will be built here next month.
My car has disappeared.
Have you heard the news? The President has been shot.
This situation is serious. Something must be done before it`s too late.
Has the room been cleaned yet? Can I use it?
When you return from your journey, this novel will have already been published.
The results will be announced tomorrow.
All the work had been done by 6 o`clock yesterday.
Wait a little! Your problem is being discussed now.
My house was being painted the whole day yesterday.
Tomorrow by 5 o`clock everything will have been prepared.
Where is my bike? It is being repaired now.
Apples should be eaten every day.
It is very dark. Nothing can be seen.
Your house looks different. Have you painted it?
Two people were arrested last night.
The room looked nice. It has been cleaned.
The man next door disappeared six month ago. Nobody has seen him since then.
The cooking is usually done by my mother.
His new book was written by him last year.
The fence is being painted by her now.
Her room has just been cleaned by her.
A new school will be build by them next year.
he writes / did he writes?
it flyes / did it fly?
you see / did you see?
he gives / did he give?