The most common North American wildcat. Lives in forests and mountains, swamps, mountains, grasslands and deserts. Her legs are not as long and wide as the European lynx, because she did not have to wander in deep snow. And indeed it is less. A Bobcat hides in tree hollows, crevices between rocks, in the bushes. It is important to have protection from the wind and a bed of moss and leaves. A year in the mother is sometimes two broods, two kitten each. Red lynx preys on voles, squirrels, hares, small deer. Maybe to catch fish. In the desert it sometimes can be seen on the cactus looking for prey: her vision is excellent. So I wouldn't want to meet her.
Перевод: Самая распространенная в Северной Америке дикая кошка. Живет в лесах и горах, на болотах, в скалах, на травянистых равнинах и в пустынях. Лапы у нее не такие длинные и широкие, как у европейской рыси, ведь ей не приходится бродить по глубокому снегу. Да и сама она поменьше. Прячется рысь в дуплах, расщелинах между скал, в зарослях кустарников. Ей важно, чтобы была защита от ветра и подстилка из мха и листьев. В год у матери иногда бывает два выводка, по два котенка в каждом. Рыжая рысь охотится на полевок, белок, зайцев, небольших оленей. Может и рыбу поймать. В пустыне ее порой можно видеть на кактусе высматривающей добычу: зрение у нее отменное. Так что я не хотел бы с ней встретиться.
1. There are a lot of interesting stories in this magazine. 2. There was a wall around the City many centuries ago. 3. The weather forecast says that tomorrow will be a thunderstorm. или если задание на "there is/ there are" - The weather forecast says there's going to be a storm tomorrow. 4. How many guests will be there at the dinner? 5.There is (a) little time left. 6. There are few students in this group. 7.There is little rain here in spring 8.There is some butter, milk, cheese but there is no meat. 9. If there is some fish at the shop, buy it please. 10. There is a cinema on this side of the street 11 There are many children in the family, so there is much household work to do. 12. There was a table, two chairs and a sofa, there was nothing else. 13. There is no traffic signal at this crossroads. 14.How many exams will be there in winter? 15. There is nothing interesting on TV today. 16. There is nothing to dispute about. 17. Was there a concert after the meeting? 18. It seems, there is no hope. 19. There was something familiar in her face. 20. There is nothing like a cup of strong coffee early in the morning.
They visit english club every Sunday. 1) They visit english club every Sunday, do not they? 2) Do they visit english club every Sunday.? 3) When do they visit english club? 4) Who do visit english club every Sunday? 5) Do they visit english club or french? She went to the gym yesterday. 1)She went to the gym yesterday, did not she? 2)Did she go to the gym yesterday? 3)When did she go to the gym? 4)Where did she go yesterday? 5)Did she go to the gym or concert yesterday? He tidies his room every day. 1) He tidies his room every day, does not he? 2) Does he tidie his room every day? 3)What does he do every day? 4)When does he tidie his room? 5) Does he tidie his room every day, or night?
Самая распространенная в Северной Америке дикая кошка. Живет в лесах и горах, на болотах, в скалах, на травянистых равнинах и в пустынях. Лапы у нее не такие длинные и широкие, как у европейской рыси, ведь ей не приходится бродить по глубокому снегу. Да и сама она поменьше. Прячется рысь в дуплах, расщелинах между скал, в зарослях кустарников. Ей важно, чтобы была защита от ветра и подстилка из мха и листьев. В год у матери иногда бывает два выводка, по два котенка в каждом. Рыжая рысь охотится на полевок, белок, зайцев, небольших оленей. Может и рыбу поймать. В пустыне ее порой можно видеть на кактусе высматривающей добычу: зрение у нее отменное. Так что я не хотел бы с ней встретиться.