Я англиский практически не знаю, но вмею перекладать и находить ошибки. По моему мнению вот так, только у 4) немного сомневаюсь. У 1, 2, 3, 5 и 7 уверен что верно! ПРости если неверно что-то, исправлю))
Все ошибки - из граматикой (почти)
1) social - первая ошибка, правильно socially
2) investing - проблема из граматикой, неправильно
3) diligent - неверно написано слово в тексте, верно - diligence
4) Еще ошибка у 2 рядку, неправильно написано слово
5) следущая ошибка еще... правильно adverse а не так как там
6) rightslt - нужно разделить rights lt вот так, если не ошибаюсь
7) неверно "disclose", будет "to disclose
2 There are seven days in a week.
3 A vegetarian is a person who doesn't eat meat.
4 Outside the cinema there was a queue of people waiting to see the film.
5 I'm not very good at writing letters.
6 Last night I went out with some friends of mine.
7 There were very few people in the shops today. They were almost empty.
8 I'm going out for a walk. I need some fresh air.
9 George always wants things quickly. He's got no patience.
10 It's raining. Have you got an umbrella I could borrow?
11 Jane travels a lot. She has been to many countries.
12 Our flat is very small. We havent much space.
а перед согласной
an перед гласной
Celebration is a funny leisure.
People like celebration,because they can have a rest and have a good time in the circle of family or friends.I also have my favourite celebration.It is my birthday.I think-It is one of the main holidays of my life.It's time when you become a year older,so clever,wiser ,more experienced.In this day I arrange a little party ,where I invite my best friends.I enjoy when they celebrate me,wish health,happiness and luck and present me with gifts.After that we gather at one table and eat many taste dishes,especially birthday cake.Then we dance.
Every birthday leave in my memory only good moments!