18. Most little fish get out of the way when they see a big fish coming. Most little fish are afraid the big fish_ them. WILL/WOULD EAT
19. And most of the time they are right, but there is one little fish that goes right up into the big _ mouth. FISH'S
20. It swims between the_ TEETH of any frightening big fish, a horrible shark and moray eel included.
21. This strange little fish_ the wrasse, but its name really should be the “little doctor fish”. IS CALLED
22. It _ everything: the fins, the eyes, the body and even the mouth of big fish; everything that can make the big fish sick. No wonder the wrasse is never hurt by the big fish. CLEANS
23. The big fish seem to know that the little doctor fish is helping _. THEM
24. They even wait their turn to see the wrasse. They are like people _ SITTING in a real doctor’s waiting room.
25. This is only one of the wonders of the fish world. This is a big and still unknown world, as there is _water in the world than there is land. MORE
26. Maybe someday people will be able to live under water too. If this __ HAPPENS, we will find out more about our neighbours, the fish.
27. The telegraph and the telephone are similar in many ways. Both are wire-based_ systems. ELECTRICAL
28. Alexander Graham Bell’s success with the telephone came __ as a result of his attempts to improve the telegraph. DIRECTLY
29. When Bell began his new experiments, the telegraph had already been used as an effective means of _ for 30 years. COMMUNICATION
30. Although a highly_system, the telegraph, with its dot-and-dash Morse code, was basically limited to sending and receiving one message at a time. EFFECTIVE
31 Bell’s _ knowledge of the nature of sound and his understanding of music taught him how to transmit many messages at the same time. FUNDAMENTAL
32 Bell’s “_ telegraph” was able to send several HARMONIC
Первое задание.
2. On Wednesday, Jack is going to skateboard. - В среду Джек собирается кататься на скейтборде.
3. On Monday, Jack is going to swim. - В понедельник Джек собирается плавать.
4. On Friday, Polly is going to visit friends. - В пятницу Полли собирается навестить друзей.
5. On Thursday, Jack is going to wash the car. - В четверг Джек собирается помыть машину.
6. On Thursday, Polly is going to buy a cake. - В четверг Полли собирается купить торт.
Второе задание.
2. Dad is going to look for wood. - Папа собирается найти древесину.
3. Dad and Charlie are going to put up the tent. - Папа и Чарли собираются поставить палатку.
4. Mum and Molly are going to make the beds. - Мама и Молли собираются застелить кровати.
5. Mum is going to cook dinner. - Мама собирается приготовить ужин.
6. Harry is going to play with his toys. - Гарри собирается поиграть со своими игрушками.
7. It is going to be hot. - Скорее всего, будет жаркая погода.
8. We are going to have fun. - Мы собираемся повеселиться (хорошо провести время).
9. I'm going to sleep in a tent. - Я собираюсь спать в палатке.
10. Charlie is going to read lots of books. - Чарли собирается прочитать много книг.
1. You don't have a flat in Kiev, do you?
2/ There is a dining-room and sitting-room downstairs, isn't there?
3/ You have no fireplace in your flat, do you ?
4/ You can put the sofa near the window, can't you?
5/ You will buy two armachairc, won't you?
6/ You are not going upstairs, are you?