Неопределённый артикль a ставится , когда предмет неопределяют , т.е не говорят какого он цвета , формы и т.д (но если предмет встречается в первый раз , то даже если его описали всё равно ставим артикль a ) Например: -Oh,in the sky floats a little bird ! (О смотри в небе парит(артикль a) маленькая птичка!) А если предмет встречается второй раз , то даже если нет описания ставим артикль the.Например: The bird is very small!(Эта птичка очень маленькая !)
There are lots of wonderful entertaining magnificent places in our great world which must be visited. And you know, every of us, even you, have ever thought :" It would be very move to go to ... " or something like this. And every time we answer ourselves different places. Indeed it is. So, I have a lot of places of my dreams, but I'll tell you some of them. Firstly, I would go to England's countrysides because there are very beautiful sight, hills, houses and so on. Secondly, we all wanted to go there, though in our childhood, it is a Disney Land. Charming castle. Not every one of us where there, but it's worth to visit. Well, thirdly, I want to see Jews country , that is Israel. It is very interesting and ancient place. That's it.