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Poland (. Polish: Polska), officially the Republic of Poland, with the official name of the country is not used contemporary Polish word «republika» (Republic), and the old - Pol. «Rzeczpospolita» (Rzeczpospolita) - a country in Eastern Europe.
On the north by the Baltic Sea, in the west it borders with Germany, in the southwest of the Czech Republic, in the south of Slovakia, in the south-east of Ukraine, on the east, Belarus to the north-east of Lithuania, as well as on the north by Russia.Since May 1, 2004 - the member of the European Union. On 21 December 2007 entered into the Schengen zone.
The first seeds of the Polish culture sowed Sigismund I (1506-1548 gg.). Thanks to his care, Latin gradually replaced by Polish language, was born on national literature, architecture flourished, and many scientific discoveries were made. In 1543 Nicolaus Copernicus published a treatise "On the treatment of the Celestial Spheres", claiming that the Earth revolves around the sun. Hereditary King of Poland, Sigismund II Augustus (1548-1572 gg.), Continued development of art and culture, and the reign of Sigismund I and Sigismund II became known as the "Golden Age of Poland."
Polish culture and art - typically a combination of religious Gothic and Renaissance elements, the faces of the Madonna and Christ can be seen in almost every church. "Hobby-horse" Polish stonecutters were graceful decorations crypts, and the creation of the bas-reliefs on the facades of many Renaissance buildings. Comparative Studies of art work was mostly sporadic, until the end of the last century. Exception - Zdzislaw Beksiniski. He was born in 1929 and is the creator of wonderful and mysterious world of dreams and is considered the best artist Poland. Currently, Polish artists are still trying to get rid of the Communist spirit.
In Poland, many writers were born, most of them - immigrants, for example, Isaac Bashevis Singer, whose works, written in Yiddish, tell the history of Polish Jews disappeared. Among contemporary Polish culture in outstanding writers - Ryszard Kapuschinsky, and among composers - Henryk Gorecki, whose third symphony has received international recognition a few years ago.
Warsaw AttractionsThe city is divided Vistula River into two parts. In the western sector of the left bank of the river is the city center and "old town" to the north of the center. Almost all attractions and most of the tourist sector are found on this side of the river. On the right bank in a suburb of Prague no significant sights and very few tourists.
The old town was rebuilt from scratch since there remained only a pile of rubble after World War II. Restoring commemorative structures, which was conducted between 1949 and 1963, it was designed to restore the old view of the city XVII-XVIII centuries. Each piece of architecture found in ruins, was used in the recovery process. In 1945, the Old Town Square was a wall of two houses sticking out of the rubble, and today it is - a harmonious blend of Renaissance, Baroque and Gothic styles. In the square there is a good atmosphere, outdoor cafes, art stalls. On the northern side of the square stretches Historical Museum of Warsaw, where you can see an amazing documentary about the destruction and rebuilding of the city, and are exhibited in the museum collection, dedicated to the early history of Warsaw.
The main boulevard of Warsaw - Royal Route that runs from north to south from the Royal Palace to the Royal Lazienki (Summer Palace). Residence of the last monarch of the Polish king Stanislaw August Poniatowski, Lazienki Palace was built in the neoclassical style and became the summer residence of the Polish king. Over the years, the palace and park complex was chosen by the inhabitants of Warsaw. The palace, which now houses a museum, now open to the public. In the summer of Lazienki Palace is a venue for various cultural events, including performances.
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Мечта –  цель

   Думаю, у каждого человека есть определенная цель в жизни. Пока мы маленькие, невелики и наши мечты. Мы растем, и вместе с нами растут и наши желания, стремления, цели.Но рано или поздно все мы взрослеем и начинаем задумываться о будущей профессии.И тут наши стремления становятся вполне определенными и осмысленными.К
    Не правда ли, все это высокие цели, и если человек не отступится, если он твердо решил идти к своей мечте, он обязательно оставит свой след на земле.то-то хочет стать гениальным программистом, специалистом по компьютерным технологиям, осуществить информационный прорыв, создать программы, которые до него не смог создать ни один человек. Кто-то хочет стать врачом, известным хирургом, чтобы ежедневно от смерти и болезней людей. А кто-то хочет просто растить хлеб, чтобы накормить всех голодных. А вот я например, хочу стать врачём всем больным. Ведь нет ничего лучше выздоравливать людям!? Это мечта у меня с детства, и в будущем тоже будет моей мечтой! И я верю в себя, верю в то что я буду врачом! НУ ЭТО МОЯ МЕЧТА!

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Once upon a time 24___c) a___ philosopher was travelling down a river 25___a) in___ a small boat. While he was crossing the river he 26___b) asked__ the boatman, “have you heard about Philosophy?” “No,” 27___b)said the boatman. “I 28a) am sorry 29__c) for you,” replied the learned man. “You have lost a quarter of your life because it is a very interesting science!” Several minutes later the philosopher asked 30___a) the___ boatman another question: “Have you heard about Astronomy, when you 31___c) were at school?” “No, I 32a) left  school many years ago and I 33__b) forgot___ all about it,” was the answer. To this the philosopher answered that he 34___a) was really sorry 35d) for the man, and he thought that the boatman had lost a second quarter of 36_a) his_ life. 
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