Тhis new year was perfect! First we trim the tree she shone different colors. We put a table covered with a white cloth, we had plenty of food and drink.at 12:00 , we make a wish and watched prizedent congratulations. Then watch TV and lyagli sleep. Morning reveals the gifts. There were a lot of interesting things. This new year, other than it was last year. I want the next year was even more interesting
2) the
4)double the consonant and add -est.
5)the most
6)the most
7)the farthest
1 Фото
1) 3 картинка- вариант компьютер (левый верхний угол)
2) 2 картинка-вариант(дата под информацией)
3) 2 картинка- вариант(картинка про театр)
4)1 картинка-вариант ( номер кредитной карточки)
5)2 картинка-вариант е-майл адрес
2 фото:
Campers must:
Campers must keep dog on a lead
Campers must keep site clean
Campers must take one picnic table per site
Campers must ask for permission before taking a table from another site
Campers must use the barbecue pits only while at campsite
Campers must check out by 11:30
Campers must always listen to the lifeguard
Campers must wear suitable shoes in the pool area
Campers mustn't:
Campers mustn't climd, cut or damage the trees in the campground
Campers mustn't running in the pool area
Campers mustn't diving
Campers mustn't smoking in the pool area
Please отметь мое решение лучшим
His favorite magazine is fidget. He likes it very much. There is a lot of useful, developing knowledge and instructive.This magazine is for children and parents.In the magazine coloring books, stories, crosswords, puzzles, riddles, toy clipping. Exciting games, comics, puzzles, crosswords. Fun contests with prizes and Souvenirs.Fairy tales and instructive stories, answers to" difficult " children's questions, exciting games that develop thinking and attention puzzles, rebuses, riddles, crosswords. For primary school children.
Мой любимый журнал Непоседа. Мне он очень нравится. Там много всего полезного, раззвивающего знания и поучительного.Этот журнал для детей и родителей.В журнале раскраски, истории, кроссворды, ребусы, загадки, игрушка-вырезалка. Увлекательные игры, комиксы, головоломки, кроссворды. Веселые конкурсы с призами и сувенирами.Сказки и поучительные истории, ответы на "трудные" детские во увлекательные игры, развивающие мышление и внимание головоломки, ребусы, загадки, кроссворды. Для детей младшего школьного возраста.
Мій улюблений журнал непосида. Мені він дуже подобається. Там багато всього корисного, раззвивающего знання і повчального.Цей журнал для дітей і батьків.У журналі розмальовки, історії, кросворди, ребуси, загадки, іграшка-вирізалка. Захоплюючі ігри, комікси, головоломки, кросворди. Веселі конкурси з призами та сувенірами.Казки та повчальні історії, відповіді на" важкі " дитячі питання, захоплюючі ігри, Розвиваючі мислення і увагу головоломки, ребуси, загадки, кросворди. Для дітей молодшого шкільного віку.
New Year - one of my favorite holidays. You give gifts, dress up a Christmas tree, fireworks, lights, feeling the holiday! .. White-bearded old man in a red coat gives all gifts. Someone dressed up in a costume of the Snow Queen, and asks Kai add the letters "A", "P", "O", "M" - the word "happiness." Someone is going to hold a grand competition, and some prefer to conduct "Egghead." Yes, everyone has his own plans. But everyone in preparing for this wonderful holiday. Imagine how many people will go for gifts, buy a Christmas tree out of cookies and giving, they are sent a postcard, and someone to send congratulations to the drugs. And someone gave Kysam board site, and himself on the run. Imagine how many people will be online! But we are all united by one love and the holiday atmosphere of the New Year!