I like to play sports. After all, you always get benefits for your body when you do any kind of sport. My favorite sport is swimming. Swimming, I train my body, shape muscles, gain muscle mass. Getting stronger, stronger I took part in various competitions in my city. It is very interesting and useful to spend your time in this way, and not to hang out on the street idle.
Я люблю играть в спортивные игры. В конце концов, вы всегда получаете пользу для своего тела, когда занимаетесь каким-либо видом спорта. Мой любимый вид спорта - плавание. Плавая, я тренирую свое тело, формирую мышцы, набираю мышечную массу. Становясь все сильнее, сильнее, я участвовал в различных соревнованиях в своем городе. Так проводить время очень интересно и полезно, а не тусоваться на улице без дела.
1. On the top of the house.
- Это находится на крыше дома.
ответ: Chimney - дымоход.
2. Small man helping Santa.
- Маленький человечек Санте.
ответ: Elf - эльф.
3. With a star on top.
- Со звездой на верхушке.
ответ: Christmas tree - новогодняя ёлка.
4. The light on the Christmas table.
- Освещение на Рождественском столе.
ответ: Candle - свеча.
5. A Christmas cookie.
- Рождественское печенье.
ответ: Gingerbread man - имбирный человечек.
6. Stuffed with sweets.
- Наполнен конфетами.
ответ: Stocking - чулок.
7. A plant with red berries.
- Растение с красными ягодами.
ответ: Holly - остролист (падуб).
8. Jingle bells.
- Джингл беллс (колокольчики).
9. Children get excited when they see their presents.
- Дети радуются, когда видят свои подарки.
10. Sit down near the fireplace if you are cold.
- Сядьте возле камина, если вам холодно.
11. Decorating the door.
- Украшение двери.
ответ: Wreath - венок.
12. Santa's means of transportation.
перемещения Санты.
ответ: Sleign - сани.
13. Santa's favourite animal.
- Любимое животное Санты.
ответ: Reindeer - северный олень.
14. People kiss under the mistletoe.
- Люди целуются под омелой.
15. Father Christmas.
- Отец Рождества.
ответ: Santa Claus - Санта Клаус.
My Favourite Newspaper Beginning to tell you about my favourite newspaper, firstly I would like to stress that the mass media and especially press play very important role in our lives.Mass media have done and continue doing much to excite and to maintain our interest in every aspect of the life in Russia.But I want to draw your attention to the work of press and its role in the life of society. The press is one of those few means of getting information, which exists in almost all parts of the world. Reading different newspapers and magazines, we learn about.Economical and cultural events in Russia and abroad, about international relations and progressive views, about ordinary and extraordinary things and cases.I think it necessary that people should read newspapers and magazines.
As for me, my favourite newspaper is “Moskovskiy Komsomolets.The principal vital and actual problems are always discussed by the reporters of “Moskovskiy Komsomolets” and this feature attracts me much. On the pages of “MK” we also can find broad daylights of the political life of the country – this is another good tradition and positive particularity which is liked by its readers. It goes without saying that the most exciting reports and latest news are always published on the first page of “MK”.They reduce the quality of the newspaper as a source of information and affect its prestige, and this point should be taken into account. On the whole my favourite newspaper meets my requirements and I hope that it will be printed in future.