Выбери a или an и вставь в предложение 1) lt is ant. 2) lt is _ big ant. 3) l can see _ egg. 4) l can see _ black lamp. 5) lt is _ floor lamp. 6) we can see _ cherry cake. 7) lt is _ good cake. 8) we can see _ troll and _ elf.
1) Guaranteed, a) to make sure that something happens; 2) constitution, c) a system of laws and principles of a government or society; 3) assembly, d) a group of people who meet in one place for a common purpose; 4) taxes, g) an amount of money you have to pay to the goverment that it uses to provide public services and pay for goverment institutions 5)protests, i) a meeting or public statement by people who strongly disagree with a policy, law, ect 6) equa lrights, e) rights that are the same for all people; 8) publishing, b) to put something written where other people can read it, on paper or online; 9)election, h) an occasion when people vote for someone to represent them, e.g. in the goverment 10) censor f) to remove parts of someone's speech, statement or written work because it is considered harmful or improper for publication;
1. Napoleon Hill is an American writer, the author of a new genre of books self-help book 2. Napoleon Hill was born October 26, 1883 in Virginia. 3. In his youth, while studying at the university, he was a talented reporter and journalist 4. In 1908, American industrialist and philanthropist Andrew Carnegie ordered Hill to take detailed interviews with the five hundred most successful Americans and derive a universal formula for success. 5. Twenty years later, Napoleon Hill published the first book on success that summarized earlier interviews. 6. In 1937, he published his most successful work - the book Think and Grow Rich. 7. This book contains tips and recommendations for achieving success in any field of activity. 8. She has survived 3 reissues and sold in more than 50 million copies at the moment. 9. This book is a global bestseller. 10. Napoleon Hill helped with his labors to achieve the desired results to millions of ordinary people around the world.
2) a
3) an