Все слова и буквы написанные жирным шрифтом — исправленные варианты.
А вычеркнутые слова, те — которые не должны были быть в предложении.
1. The giraffe is a large African animal with а very long neck and a long
2. Tom said to his mother: 'Yesterday we studied the crocodile. Crocodiles can swim well."
3. Foxes are bigger than rabbits.
4. What awful news!
5. Are the police aware of this?
6. I have never seen such an ugly doll.
7. Will there be any sandwiches in the fridge?
(В 7-ом предложении слово "be" — правильное, надо её просто переместить и поставить после слова "there".)
2) Most of the tasks on Windows 98 was carried out easier , is not it?
3) Windows 98 simplifies interaction with your computer?
4) That makes it easy to recover deleted files?