MTV is a satellite and cable television (1) network which plays pop videos and concerts (2) 24 hours a day. Because of MTV, videos dominate the pop market, and this is a new challenge for pop stars (3). These days almost all successful pop stars are expected to perform (4) in front of the camera by their managers who make them do it in order to sell records (5) to a world market. Some people in the pop (6) business argue that videos mustn’t be allowed (7) to become too important. They worry that pop videos may help people who can dance but have no musical (8) ability, to become successful (9) just because they hire the right director (10) for their video. This criticism doesn’t worry kids very much; they watch MTV all the same, no matter what quality the shows (11) are. MTV has plenty of advertisers (12) and over 80 million subscribers all over the world. Kids want MTV.
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To do foolish things - валять дурака, вытворять глупости
now and then - время от времени
thoroughly stupid thing - сущая глупость
some vile creature - отвратительное/гадкое существо
to interfere with Smith - мешать/чинить препятствия Смиту
to credit one’s neighbor - дать ссуду чьему-либо соседу
to overdraw one’s account - превысить остаток на чьём-либо счёте
to be flushed with excitement and pleasure - быть охваченным волнением и удовольствием
a moss-colored velvet jerkin - бархатный жилет/куртка цвета мха
dedicate grace - посвящать молитву
to be of age - быть совершеннолетним
to be quite incorrigible - быть совершенно неисправимым
a beast without a heart - бессердечное животное
the forms of the grossest immorality - проявления грубейшей безнравственности
medieval art - средневековое искусство
medieval emotions - средневековые эмоции