Известная кинозвезда приезжает в Вашу школу. Вы готовите вопросы для нее. Вы хотите знать: Когда она родилась; Откуда она родом; Насколько большая ее семья; Где она жила, когда была ребенком; Где она пошла в школу; Чем она интересовалась тогда; Какой ее любимый спорт был; Каковы ее хобби были; Каковы они теперь; Когда она закончила школу; Когда ее карьера началась; Сколько из ее фильмов имели успех. When were you born? Where are you from? How big is your family? Where did you live when you were a child? Where did you go to school? What were you interested in then? What was your favourite sport? What were your hobbies? What are they now? When did you finish school? When did your career begin? How many of your films were a success?
1) Everyone can contribute 2) "Make a Difference" Day happens on the fourth Saturday of October every year.-правильно 3) Last year, 3 million people volunteered on that day by doing different charity projects. 4) You also can make your contribution to the day by cleaning your local park or visiting an elderly person. 5) Help with collecting clothes or food for those in need. 6) Make donations to charities is also very important. -правильно 7) The project can be large or small-make a difference on "Make a Difference" Day!-правильно