For the first time the lotto appeared in Genoa (Italy) in the 16th century. The game immediately gained immense popularity, but after a while it was banned by the Venetian Senate as a gamble. In Russia, the lotto appeared only in the eighteenth century and immediately aroused great interest.
Rules of the game On the map in three rows and nine columns there are 15 random numbers of 5 in a row; the number of tens of digits corresponds to the column number on the left, counting from zero; 90 is placed in the last column. The game is that the players close on the cards numbers, from 1 to 90, designated on special chips (more often wooden or plastic kegs). One of the participants in the game (usually in turn in each round) names the numbers that he reads on the "dark" chips taken from the bag. The player who previously closes all numbers or one or more horizontal rows on his card wins. вроде бы так.
I normally wear jeans and a sweater. – В повседневной жизни я ношу джинсы и свитер.
My new pleated skirt fits me perfectly and looks quite trendy. – Моя новая юбка в складочку идеально мне подходит и выглядит довольно стильно.
This coat is too long and loose, it doesn’t fit you. – Это пальто слишком длинное и свободное, оно тебе не подходит.
He looks very elegant in his brown v-neck jumper. – Он выглядит очень элегантно в своём коричневом свитере с треугольным вырезом.
You should wear this dress – you will look well-dressed and elegant. – Ты должна надеть это платье, ты будешь выглядеть нарядно и элегантно.
I feel myself very comfortable in this green sweater, it is my favorite. – Я чувствую себя очень удобно в этом зелёном свитере, он мой любимый.
Hoodies and sweatshirts are not in my style – I prefer wearing a shirt with a vest. – Худи и толстовки не в моём стиле – я предпочитаю носить рубашку с жилеткой.
Put off this suit – it is too small, try on another one. – Снимай этот костюм – он слишком мал, примерь другой.
This blouse matches my eye color. – Эта блузка подходит к цвету моих глаз.