Составе предложения по : i lived me wish a on desert family island . had mum and they boat a dad wish sunny weather always wishes the was and warm dad !
I wish to lived on a desert Island with my family.Mum and Dad wish to have a boat. Dad wishes to have always been warm and sunny weather. Думаю,что так
Animals in DangerToday, hundreds of animal species are in danger of becoming extinct. It is important to look after animals and save their habitat. We need to do everything to protect them and keep the earth clean. And everybody can help. There are many organisations that try to help animals. World Wide Fund for Nature is an international organisation. It collects money to help protect animals and their habitats. Check their web-side to find out how you can become a member and help them. You can adopt animals. There are many web pages, where you can find information about animals' adoption.But you can also help by choose not to wear animals’ skin, not to buy ornaments or jewellery made out of animals and keep the world clean and green.
Many say that next year will all fly . They say that garment similar to the 80-tenth or as a garment in a space. Place of textbooks - a computer . Probably, there will be robots . The world of the future is not known , because we are not fortune-tellers , they all know. Перевод: Многие говорят что в будущем году будет всё летать . Говорят что будет одежда похожая на 80-десятые или как одежда в космос. Место учебников - компы . Возможно будут роботы . Мир будущего не известен , потому что мы не гадалки , чтобы это всё знать.
Dad wishes to have always been warm and sunny weather.
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