Программу "новости" смотрят миллионы людей каждый день. Мона Лиза была написана Леонардо да Винчи. Новый кинотеатр будет построен в следующем году. О новых поп-группах очень много говорят среди подростков. Первое стихотворение Александра Пушкина было написано, когда ему было четырнадцать лет. Письма будут отправлены завтра. Перевод был завершен два часа назад. Лондон посещают сотни туристов каждый год. Ужин будет готов через час.
The news programme is watched by millions of people every day.
The Mona Liza was painted by Leonardo da Vinchi.
The new cinema will be built next year.
New pop groups are much spoken about among teenagers.
Alexander Pushkin’s first poem was written when he was fourteen.
The letters will be sent by post tomorrow.
The translation was finished two hours ago.
London is visited by hundreds of tourists every year.
The dinner will be ready in an hour.
2. Has she ever been at the theatre?
3. Why haven't you read this magazine yet?
4. Who has just explained it to you?
5. Which of your friends has studied computer this,year?
6. Who has just joined us?
7. Have they ever travelled by ship?
8. Why hasn't he taken off his shoes yet?
9. Who hasn't been at school in time today?