1) My friends was talking to the teacher when I saw him. ( Мій друг розмовляв з учителем коли я його побачив )
2) Our friends was discussing something when we interrupted them. ( Наші друзі щось обговорювали, коли ми їх перебили. )
3) She was watering the flowers while her husband was watching TV. ( Вона поливала квіти, поки її чоловік дивився телевізор)
4) As he crossed the road, he slipped and fell. ( Переходячи дорогу, він послизнувся і впав. )
5) He stopped when a police officer ordered him to do so. ( Він зупинився, коли поліцейський наказав йому це зробити. )
6) What were you doing when I called you yesterday? ( Що ти робив, коли я вчора тобі дзвонив? )
7) When I came in, the cat sleeped in the armchair. ( Коли я зайшов, кіт спав у кріслі. )
8) The ancient Romans ate a large amount of dairy products ( Стародавні римляни їли велику кількість молочного продукту )
9) At 6 o'clock Mr. Smith was standing near the subway station. ( О 6 годині Сміт стояв біля станції метро. )
10) The airplane crashed and then exploded. ( Літак розбився, а потім вибухнув )
It was originally worn by baseball players who had previously performed in straw boaters and jockey caps.
In 1954, the New Era Company introduced a cap with a visor to American baseball players for protection from the sun.
Baseball caps became very popular in the United States of America in the 1970s and 1980s, and avid fans and sports fans bought them with pleasure. Over time, baseball caps have gone beyond sportswear.
They are able to harmoniously complement the image and make it more complete. In addition, the cap is able to hide some imperfections and provide reliable protection of the head surface from the scorching sun and other natural factors.
Yes, now I wear it. It is fashionable, comfortable and protects my face from the sun.
We didn't skate yesterday, because I was ill. Мы не катались на коньках вчера, т.к. я болел.
Did you help you parents last week? Ты своим родителям на неделе?
I have already done the work. я уже сделал эту работу.
We haven't been there before. Мы здесь никогда не были раньше.
Have you ever seen this film? ты уже видел этот фильм?