1.state the form of the given infinitives: to be mentioned,to have known,to have been dealt,to smile,to be dancing,to have been waiting ,to have been wanting,to be loved,to shut,to have said,to have been told,to be laughing,to be working
Simple active: to smile, to shut. simple passive: to be mentioned, to be loved. perfect active: to have known, to have said. perfect passive: to have been dealt, to have been told. continuous active: to be dancing, to be laughing, to be working. perfect continuous active: to have been waiting
Английский язык-международный,на нём говорят больше 15 стран.Он очень пригодится в жизни,так как на нём написаны многие программы,его нужно знать чтобы устроиться на работу,и многое другое.Он не только нужный,но и очень интересный,любой другой язык мне интересен,вообще узнавать что-то новое интересно мне.А чтобы поехать в любую другую страну,надо говорить на английском для того,чтобы:понимать других,и самим говорить с иностранцами.Еще я учу английский,чтобы изучать культуру других стран.Английский язык-открывает мне дверь в мое будущее.
English is the official language in many countries , it is also an international language, because documentation of the most greatest organizations of the world is written in English. So English is studied in many schools and universities. You need to learn English if you want to go abroad to study, to fulfill yourself, to find new friends, to communicate freely abroad, to study the culture of other country, customs, traditions and literature or just if you enjoy obtaining new knowledge. The English language can be useful in many professions, such as the manager, programmer, businessman, advertiser and so on. Knowledge of English is a sign of education and intellect.
simple passive: to be mentioned, to be loved.
perfect active: to have known, to have said.
perfect passive: to have been dealt, to have been told.
continuous active: to be dancing, to be laughing, to be working.
perfect continuous active: to have been waiting