It is believed that those who do not meet a decent carnival, live all year round miserable and frozen. Therefore, the general Carnival is one of the most joyous and long holidays of the year. After celebrations last a week, and every day of celebration associated with certain traditions and is an event.
Monday - "meeting". On the first day of the holiday Shrove Tuesday met with her fiance. They were big straw man dressed in elegant suits. Their baggage on a sled through the village, and then seated at the place of honor and were treated to pancakes. Who decided on Monday pancakes and to invite relatives to visit. Tuesday - "zaigrysh." This day was the joyful celebrations and dances around the noisy Shrovetide stuffed. Young boys invite girls and ride with a visit to the pancakes. On the streets there were representations of all people tried to dress up in colorful costumes. Wednesday - "gourmet." Fair continues to gain momentum, and festivals are becoming bigger. The third day of the week the most satisfying, because you can eat as much as you please. Each family tried to set the table with all sorts of goodies. In today's world, this day-in-law mother-in-law should invite "pancakes".Diet-arithmetic: how to calculate your own metabolism and learn how to manageThe problem of excess weight excites millions of people. But not everyone who enters into an unequal struggle with the hated kilograms, is familiar with the basic principles of weight loss. Thursday - "a binge" or "fractured." This day is the most fun on the Pancake week. One of his favorite pastimes was to set fire to the truck and pull it from the slope of the ravine. Often carried out fisticuffs and boldest fought with the bear. Costumed children gathered in the evening entertainment and caroling.
Friday - "Teschin Vecherki." On this day, committed a variety of rituals and divination, to bring together couples and accelerate the wedding. Those who have not yet decided on a couple, it was necessary to help find her. Made to in-law provided that day hospitality and invited to his mother in law "pancakes". Saturday - "Zolovkina gatherings." This day was the family at Pancake week. The young wife was invited to visit the sisters husband (zolovok) bestow them with gifts and goodies to entertain. Of course, guests come not only in-law, but all relatives.
Sunday - "Forgiveness Sunday" or "Tselovalnik." On the last day of Maslenitsa all went home, kissing at a meeting and asked each other for forgiveness. Forgiveness is asked not only relatives, but neighbors and even entire villages. Forgiving had to say the phrase: "God will forgive." So, people are freed my soul from all sins before Lent. The highlight of the day and all of Maslenitsa was burning straw man Shrovetide. And the remaining ashes had to dispel over the fields, so that the year fertile and fruitful. So in Russia saw off winter and welcomed the long-awaited spring.
1) Переписати наступні речення, визначити в них видо-часові форми діеслова і вказати их інфінитив. Перекласти речення. 1) He has just said something about it. (Present Perfect Active) to say - інфінітив. Він щойно щось сказав про це. 2) We were playing computer games the whole evening yesterday. (Past Continuous Active) to play - інфінітив. Вчора ми цілий вечір грали у компютерні ігри. 3) How is your brother?-He is not well yet, but his health is improving day after day. (Present Continuous Active) to improve - інфінітив. Як почувається твій брат? - Він ще не одужав, але здоровя покращується день за днем.
2) Перепишіть наступне речення, перекладіть його. Поставте питання до речення. Commercial users can communicate over the Internet with the rest of the world. Комерційні споживачі можуть спілкуватись за до нтернету з усім світом. Загальне питання. Can commercial users communicate over the Internet with the rest of the world? Спеціальне питання. What can commercial users do over the Internet? Альтернативне питання. Can commercial users communicate over the Internet with the rest of the world or not? До додатка. With whom can commercial users communicate over the Internet?
3)Перепишіть наступні речення, перекладіть их, звертаючи увагу на особливості перекладу діеслів у пасивному стані. Визначте час діеслів. 1) The contract is being typed. You can read it. (Present Continuous Passive) Контракт зараз друкується. Ви можете прочитати його. 2) The text was read by the students. (Past Simple Passive) Текст був прочитаний студентами. 3) The goods are not yet delivered. (Present Simple Passive) Товари ще не доставлено.
4) Перепишіть наступні речення, перекладіть их, звертаючи увагу на особливості перекладу модальних діеслів та их еквівалентів. 1) He is pale. He must be very tired. Він блідий. Він напевно втомлений. 2) l think that it may happen very soon. Я думаю це може статись дуже скоро. 3) We were able to transport all the goods in month. Ми змогли транспортувати усі товачи за місяць.
5) Перепишіть наступні речення, добираючи необхідну форму діеприкметника. Перекладіть речення. 1) The losing team will not get the prize. Програвша команда не отримає нагороди. 2) The question discussed at the meeting was very important. Питання, що обговорювалось на зустрічі, було дуже важливим. 3) The woman reading is our mother. Жінка, яка читає, це наша мама.
2.It's quarter to twelve