Чистая комната это та комната в которой соблюдается порядок. 1 совет, в чистой комнате должен быть свежый воздух. 2 совет, чтобы поддерживать чистоту в комнате нужно убираться каждый день. 3 это проводить генеральную уборку один раз в неделю. 4 все вещи которые ты брал нужно складывать на место. 5 следи за собой и твоя комната тоже будет чистой. (На русском)
А clean room is a room where order is maintained. 1 tip, a clean room should have fresh air. 2 tip: to keep your room clean, you need to clean it every day. 3 is to carry out General cleaning once a week. 4 all things that you took need to be put in place. 5 take care of yourself and your room will also be clean. (На английском)
Возможно что то будет не правильно, сори.
1. INDIVIDUALITY (from Lat. Individuum - indivisible, individual) - a set of characteristic features and properties that distinguish one individual from another; the originality of the psyche and personality of the individual; uniqueness, uniqueness of spiritual, physiological and personal qualities. Individuality is manifested in the traits of temperament, character, in clothing (appearance), in the specifics of interests, in the qualities of perceptual processes. Individuality is characterized not only by unique properties, but also by the originality of the relationships between them. The prerequisite for the formation of a human individuality is, first of all, the environment where he grows up, the associations accumulated in his childhood, upbringing, the peculiarities of the family structure and the treatment of the child. There is an opinion that “they are born as an individual, become a person, and defend individuality” 2. PRIVACY is the sphere of vital interests, life activity, emotions, attachments of an individual, private person, individual, isolated from other social spheres. In this sphere, a person is autonomous, but not isolated, his relations with other people, relatives, family and friends, are concentrated in it, his abilities and tastes develop, a lifestyle adopted by him is formed, the person's personal property is located - material and intellectual.Privacy is the inviolability of private life, which is guaranteed by the person's right to privacy.
The right to privacy includes:
a ban on the collection, storage, use and dissemination of information about a person's private life without his consent;
the right to control information about yourself;
the right to protection of honor and good name;
the right to personal data protection;
the right to privacy of communications (sometimes formalized as a separate right);
the right to inviolability of the home (sometimes formalized as a separate right);
medical secrecy, the secret of adoption, the secret of confession and other types of professional secrets. 3) Social equality is a social structure in which all members of society have the same status in a certain area. 4) Informality means "without official meaning, devoid of formality", casual, non-formal.