1) Not really. It really depemds on the material and the teacher. In my case, I am visa versa about it cause my teacher is perfect, he really teaches us history, he contributes his soul in every lesson, he carries our minds in every period we learn. But it is very complicated for me. My brain is not made for remember that big number of days and actions, unfortunately. 2) From every sources of information. For example books, internet, people, every note that is connected with history can cary a lot of essential information in it. 3) I believe in a theory that the time is cyclical. That everything that had already happened will happen again. Maybe in another form but still we can divine our future, am I not right? 4) If people always learned lessons of history this world would be perfect. In fact, it is not and it is not going to be. We have to be realistic. Hope for best but plan for worst as I always say.
Telephone People have invented many useful devices. One of the most interesting and widely-used inventions is the telephone. The modern phone that we use today is the result of work of many people. The first person to have patented the telephone in 1876 was Alexander Graham Bell. He is credited as the inventor of this practical device. Other scientists who also worked on telephone invention were Elisha Gray, Antonio Meucci, Thomas Edison and some others. The 20th century was the era of phone development and modernization
Люди изобретали много полезных устройств. Одним из наиболее интересных и широко используемых изобретений является телефон. Современный телефон, который мы используем сегодня, является результатом работы многих людей. Первым человеком, который запатентовал телефон в 1876 году, был Александр Грэхем Белл. Ему приписывают изобретение этого практичного устройства. Другие ученые, которые также работали над изобретением телефона, это Элиша Грэй, Антонио Меуччи, Томас Эдисон и некоторые другие.20-й век был эпохой развития и модернизации телефона.
Yes,I do. I will be traveling by ship because I like to watching at the sea.