Полина, ты мой лучший друг!
Мой лучший друг- Полина
Мы с Полиной лучшие друзья
Я и Полина лучшие друзья на веке
Полина мой самый лучший друг!
Полина мой лучший друг на вечно
Полина мы лучшие друзья
Лучше нас с Полиной дружбы нет!
Polina, you're my best friend!
My best friend - Polina
We with Polina best friends
I and Polina best friends at the century
Polina my best friend!
Polina my best friend forever
Polina we are best friends
Better us with Polina there is no friendship!
Alex: hi, Nick! How are you? Will you participate in cycling competition tomorrow?
Nick: Hi, Alex! I`m fine and I won`t participate in the competition. I am not good at cycling.
Alex: Ok. Now I`m going to play tennis? Would you like to join me?
Nick: No, thank you. Truly speaking, I have no interest in any sport.
Alex: Why? Sport can help to be healthy and fit. It is very important.
Nick: Sport can be dangerous. I think sports injuries are the worst.
Alex: Yes, of course. You should take care of yourself and avoid extreme kinds of sports.
Nick: Besides, practices, matches, competitions and tournaments can be stressful for a man. People suffer from anxiety and insomnia.
Alex: Nevertheless, there are a lot of advantages of doing sport. Sport provides many benefits for people.
Nick: Could you give any arguments?
Alex: Of course! Sport brings the self-confidence. Sport improves your mood and attention concentration. In general, a healthy lifestyle is fashionable nowadays.
Nick: You are right! I will play tennis with you.
Hi, I'm (имя). I have got best friend Polina. She is beatifyl girl. She (число) years old. Polina kind and nice man. She likes films and pets. Polina have got cat and dog. I likes my friends.
Самое простое включи, что-то от она милая, любит фильмы, плавать и т.д. Самые протые и короткие.