Mostly, I enjoy reading adventure books. I like it because the story is full of events. These plot twists make you read more and more, till the end. Also, the adventure genre of the book can be combined with other genres. So it makes the story thrilling and fascinating.
По большей части, мне нравится читать приключенческие книги. Они нравятся потому что они насыщенны событиями. Неожиданные повороты в сюжете заставляют тебя читать и читать, до самого конца. К тому же, приключенческий жанр может сочетать в себе и другие жанры. И это делает историю захватывающей и увлекательной.
Hi, Darren!
Thanks for your e-mail. I am studying for my exams really hard at the moment, so I don't have much free time to chat on the Internet. What are you doing right now? Aren't you studying too? I imagine you're also busy with your exams. Oh, I hate What about you? Fortunately, we're near the end! Let's think positive! Well, Darren, do you want to come camping with us again this summer? I know you're not crazy about camping, but please say yes. I desperately need some company!
Bye for now!