Прогресс 20-го века обернулся печальными последствиями для Земли. Техногенные катастрофы, загрязнение почвы и воздуха, бесконтрольная добыча полезных ископаемых и сырья - все это породило города-призраки в России. Среди ученых существует даже гипотеза о том, что Земля самоочищается, устраивая разрушительные землетрясения и наводнения Нефтегорск-когда-то бурно развивающийся город нефтяников на Сахалине. Он был стерт с лица земли разрушительным землетрясением 28 мая 1995 года. Сила подземных толчков составила Под руинами их домов погибли 2040 человек. Сейчас на месте некогда процветающего города нефтяников находятся развалины, над которыми возвышается мрачный мемориал
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The progress of the 20th century has had sad consequences for the Earth. Man-made disasters, soil and air pollution, uncontrolled mining of minerals and raw materials-all this has created Ghost towns in Russia. Among scientists, there is even a hypothesis that the Earth is self-cleaning, causing devastating earthquakes and floods Neftegorsk-once a booming city of oil workers on Sakhalin. It was wiped out by a devastating earthquake on may 28, 1995. The strength of the tremors was 9 points. 2040 people died under the ruins of their homes. Now on the site of the once thriving city of oil workers are ruins, above which stands a grim memorial
biography:Egor Creed (real name - Yegor Nikolayevich Bulatkin; born June 25, 1994, Penza, Russia) is a Russian singer. He began his solo career in 2011 under the pseudonym KReeD, now he performs under the name Yegor Creed. He is the author and performer of his own songs.
Born in Penza. The family was musical: mom was engaged in vocals, dad and friends played in a music group. Egor since childhood dreamed of becoming a musician. He began to write his poems at age 11. He played the guitar. From his youth he was fond of hip-hop [1] and drew graffiti. He was engaged in chess.
Egor graduated from the Penza Lyceum of Modern Management Technologies No. 2 with in-depth study of the English language. His first major concert in Luzhniki was held on graduation day. In 2015, Yegor entered the RAM. The Gnesins went to the faculty of production, but they had to interrupt their studies because of the busy tour schedule and take academic leave.
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