Допустим человек, с которым ты будешь вести диалог - это политический деятель. зовут его иван владимирович, например. - hello ivan! can you ask me some questions? - hi! yes, it would be funny and interesting for me. what would you like to know? - i would like to ask you about your free time. how do you spernd it? - honestly, i don`t have it a lot because of my job. but sometimes i like to visit my family. to play with children and have a romantik dinner with my wife. - do you really like your job? - oh yes. my job is very unteresting. every day i meet new people and i feel that what i do it`s my cup of tea/ - do you prefer to work with people more or with documents? - i think that everything consisits of mood. if i am friendly and communicative i would like to spend my day with people, but if i am tired and lazy it would be perfect for me to be with papers only. - will your children have the same education? - i have never asked them to be like me, i have always let them the chance for choosing what they want. - thank you ivan, i have recieved all answers for my questions - you are welcome.
2. anne was sitting in the room when we returned 3. alice read when we came in? 4.the plane was flying over the sea. 5. quickly getting dark. 6. they rode all day? 7. the rising of the sun, the birds were singing. 8. students are read. 9. while she read, the conversation continued. 10. give played while she was cleaning. 11. we crossed the atlantic for eight hours. 12. yesterday, tom and jim played tennis. 13. they began at ten and finished at twelve. 14. what did they do at eleven? 15. at eleven they just played tennis. 16. at this time last year he lived in england. 17. what did you do yesterday at nine? 18. tom was preparing dinner. 19. tom prepared dinner. 20. tom got burned when preparing dinner21. i saw jane, she prohulyuvalasya in the park. 22. he sat in a chair and read. 23. when she awoke, it rained. 24. when he was working in the garden, then ill. 25. ann took a shower when the phone rang