They aren't in the park, are they?
Они не в парке, не так ли? ( Или: Они не в парке, что ли?)
Хвостик всегда состоит из 2х частей: глагола и, как правило, подлежащего, выраженного местоимением (I, we, you, he, she, it, they) или словом there, если именно оно является подлежащим. Если в первой части предложение утвердительное, то в хвостике глагол ставим с отрицательной частицей not в сокращённой форме n't. Если в первой части предложения есть отрицание, то в хвостике частица not не добавляется.
Kazakhstan is a young developing country with many attractions.
The Palace of Peace and Reconciliation is a delightful structure that not only amazes with its originality and grandeur, but also has great importance for the Kazakh people, symbolizing friendship, unity and peace with its appearance.
Baikonur is the first and largest cosmodrome in the world, located in Kazakhstan. And so the Soviet secret services called it, trying to confuse the "potential enemy". The fact is that there is indeed a small town called Baikonur in Kazakhstan.
The world's largest high-mountain sports complex "Medeu" is located in the tract of the same name in the Zailiyskiy Alatau near Almaty at an altitude of about 1700 meters above sea level. More than 120 world records have been set at Medeu.
The Nur-Astana mosque, which opened in the capital of Kazakhstan on March 22, 2005, is quite young, but now it is an indisputable value for the country and one of its most important architectural attractions. And many other attractions.
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