“As for me, I’d like to visit Paris, one of the most beautiful cities in the world. I think, everyone will agree that travelling broadens our outlook. In my opinion, it’s quite true. You leave your native place and go to some new unknown places where you get unforgettable impressions during your trip.
To my mind, travelling changes people because new countries, cities, other people and nature influence the traveller. The world becomes more diverse and interesting for him, he makes new friends while he travels.
Travelling is necessary for all of us. It develops our imagination, makes us move, and movement is considered, as everybody knows, to be life itself.”
It will be such a pleasure to see you again after our last meeting in London!
You don’t need to worry about the map as my parents and I will meet you at the airport.
By the way, I have prepared an eventful excursion programme for you. You should visit our main square (если площадь имеет название, типа «Площадь зеленых елей», «Площадь восстания» - добавьте сюда название), the city theatre (если есть название типа «Театр драмы и комедии» - добавьте сюда) and the zoo. I am quite sure you will like it!