My favourite flower is a lily. It is very beautiful.
Lily is a very soft flower. There are more than 110 types of lily in Europe and Asia.
Ordinary white lily is my favourite. Some people grow lilies in the garden.
Перевожу то, что написала:
Мой любимый цветок - лилия. Она очень красива.
Лилия - очень нежный цветок. Существует более 110 видов лилий в Европе и Азии. Обыкновенная белая лилия - моя любимая. Некоторые люди выращивают лилию в саду.
Lilies are like princesses, elegant, graceful and noble. Some of them are even with "freckles" - they are called "tiger lilies". There are lilies of different colours : white, bright orange, pink.
There are many types of lilies and each of them is beautiful in its way.
The lily flower symbolizes perfection. Lily is a very feminine flower, especially if it is of white or light pink colour. Bouquet of lilies looks very elegant and festive. I also like the fragrance of lilies. It's very nice and unusual.
We need to remember that flowers - it's our nature and must be protected.
Лилии - как принцессы, элегантые, величественные и благородные. У некоторых из них даже есть "веснушки" - они называются тигровыми лилиями. Существуют лили разных цветов -белые, ярко оранжевые,розовые. Есть много видов лилий и каждая из них прекрасна по-своему. Цветок лилии символизирует совершенство. Лилия - очень женственный цветок, особенно белая и нежно-розовая.Букет лилий выглядит очень элегантно и празднично.Мне также нравится запах лилий. Он очень приятный и необычный.Мы должны помнить, что цветы - это наша природа и их нужно беречь.
2He is a good student. He's a good student. He isn't a good student.
.3He is a gymnast. He's a gymnast. He isn't a gymnast.
4My parents are doctors and my aunt is a teacher. My parents're doctors and my aunt's teacher.My parents aren't doctors and my aunt isn'n teacher. .5You are a nice boy. You're a nice boy. You aren't a nice boy.
6It is a picture. It's a picture. It isn't a picture.
7I am a pilot.I'm pilot. I'm not a pilot.
8She is a singer.Her song is very beautiful. She's a singer. Her song's very beautiful. She isn't a singer. Her song isn't beautiful.
9It is a bus and it is a van. It's a bus and it's a van. It isn' bus and it isn't van.
10Cats are old. Cats're old. Cats aren't old.