Вот держи
9 The film finished at 4 o'clock
10 Did she like the shoes you bought yesterday?
11 Where did your parents go for their holidays...?
12 I saw Kate yesterday. She was driving a...
13 What were you doing at 6...?
14 I'm tired this morning. I wasn't sleeping well last night
15While she was doing homework, her brother played football.
16What were you doing at this time yesterday?
17 I was walking along the street when suddenly I heard footsteps behind me
18, I wanted to be a pilot
19 Last night I dropped a plate when I was doing the washing up
20 I lived in London 4 years ago
Код вопроса: 10.1.3
Класс: X (1)
уроки английского Категория: Факты и ответы в тексте
Ключевые слова: определение, статьи, газеты, бюллетень.
Статья - это эссе, основанное на фактах, которое представлено полностью с определенной длиной написания, основанной на требованиях, определенных издательскими средствами массовой информации, такими как газеты, бюллетени, таблоиды, журналы и т. Д.
В «Большом индонезийском словаре» говорится, что под СТАТЬЕЙ подразумевается полный письменный труд, например новости и эссе, которые можно найти в журналах, газетах и т. Д.
В общем, функция СТАТЕЙ состоит в том, чтобы информировать или представлять идеи, а также факты, которые НАПРАВЛЯЮТСЯ на то, чтобы убедить, развлечь и обучить читателя.
Чтобы понять этот материал, обратитесь к объяснению по следующей ссылке:
Определение газеты
Определение бюллетеня
надеюсь, это
#Son Goku или также Kakarotto
6 place among the rivers of Europe, after the Volga, Danube, Ural, don and Pechora. The name of the river comes from the Udmurt word "Kam", which means "big long river".
It starts from a spring in Udmurtia, near the village Flocks. In this place is a pedestal with the inscription: "Here begins the Ural river Kama"
First, Kama is flowing in the stream, but gradually grows in power and becomes a high-water river.
Kama majestically rolls its waters through forests, meadows and fields. Its length was 2032 km, while the creation of reservoirs is declining. Now its length is 1805 km, About half of its journey, about 950 km, it flows within our region.
Kama receives many tributaries from left and right. Right tributaries - flat, quiet, calm. This iniva, Bust, Siwa, etc. Left tributaries in the upper reaches are mountainous, they are fast, rapid, noisy. These include the Vishera with Easyway and Colway, the Kosva river, Chusovaya. It is easy to see that the name of the rivers of Perm region often ends with "WA". It means "water, river".
Sama Kama, the largest left tributary of the Volga.
Kama and its tributaries abounding in water. They are fed by rain, groundwater and snowmelt water in the spring during the melting of snow and ice. In winter the Kama and its inflows, freezes. In the South the ice on the river lasts approximately 140 days, i.e. more than four and a half months, and in the North - 180 days.
The waters of the Kama serves as the energy source. In 1954 it was finished the construction of the Kama hydroelectric power station. It is one of the largest power plants of our country. Her dam is composed of two parts. The right Bank is a concrete spillway portion of the dam, combined with the building of hydroelectric power station. The length of the dam 386 m, width 50 m, height 35 m. the Water raised by the dam, pressing his weight on the blade machines called turbines. Under the huge pressure of the water turbine to rotate and transmit its motion to other machines - generators that produce electric current.
In the South-West of our land in 1961 on the Kama river was completed construction of a second hydroelectric power station - Votkinsk. For its capacity it is two times that of the Kama hydroelectric station. The water level in the Kama river above the new dam rose to 23 meters. Tai was formed at the Votkinsk reservoir. His area of 1120 km2.
Our HPS are part of the Volga-Kama cascade (called cascade located along the river at some distance from each other HPS that are associated with each other). They are members of Association of RusHydro.
Thanks to the creation of the reservoir on the Kama river has improved conditions for the passage of vessels, many tributaries became navigable.