1) Why did not you enjoy travelling by bus round Evrope last summer? I did not enjoy travelling by bus round Europe last summer because of bad weather 2) How does Alice usually spend time at the seaside? Usually Alice spendstime at the seaside by lieing in the sun. 3) What did the Halls buy at the market yesterday? The Halls bought at the market yesterday a lot of fruit and vegetables. 4) How will Carol get to the airport tomorrow morning?She will get to the airport by taxi. 5) What hotel are going the Browns to stay in LONDON next time? The are going to stay in the hotel Radisson next time. 6) Where is Dennis travelling right now? He is travilling round the USA right now.
Who lives with you? - Кто проживает с вами?Where is sleeping tiger? - Где спит тигр?You walk with the tiger? - Вы гуляете с тигром?How you think whether it is possible to keep a tiger in the apartment? - Как вы думаете, можно ли держать тигра в квартире? How many rooms in your apartment? - Сколько комнат в вашей квартире?I think that the tiger should live in the zoo. - Я считаю что тигр должен жить в зоопарке.The tiger is a predator! - Тигр - это хищник!I agree with neighbors! It is very dangerous! - Я согласен с соседями! Ведь это очень опасно!The tiger is not a domestic cat! - Тигр - это не домашняя кошка! We in the answer for those whom tamed! - Мы в ответе за тех, кого приручили!