ответ:Используйте идеи из стихотворения и экс.3 (а) давать советы о том, как прекратить издевательства. Использовать следует или не следует
* Говорите громче, вступайте в клуб после школы и заводите друзей, никогда не оставайтесь в одиночестве, игнорируйте то, что говорят хулиганы, не слушайте хулиганов, верьте в себя, не позволяйте хулиганам победить, расскажите своим родителям
Объяснение: Use ideas from the poem and ex.3( A) to give advice about how to stop bullying. Use Should or shouldn`t
*Speak up, join an after-school club and make friends, never be alone, ignore what the bullies say, don't listen to the bullies, believe in yourself, don't let the bullies win, tell your parents
2.A huge number of books published in our country every year.
3. Next month will be conducted some very important experiments.
4. This issue is being debated by the Board of Directors.
5. Wait a bit.The Cabinet is now clean.
6. What letters you translated yesterday?
7. I think you ask a lot of questions about your trip.
8. Let us know when you received information about this company.
9. The results of the experiment can be tested in two days.
10. Just asked me to help them.
11. New art gallery is due to open in November.