Сочинение на тему «Краски осени»
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Об осени часто говорят: художник-осень. Всего за несколько дней осень: "перекрашивает" пейзаж. Раньше лес был зеленым, но пришла осень и изменила зеленый на множество цветов и оттенков. Каждая порода дерева окрасилась в свой цвет. Некоторые деревья становятся лимонно-желтыми, а некоторые - оранжевыми. Есть такие, которые окрашиваются в густой темно-желтый цвет, он называется охра. Попадаются и оттенки красного: багровый, малиновый, темно-красный. Коричневый всех тонов также присутствует в палитре осени-художника. Есть и такой оттенок, который называется золотистым. Только вечнозеленые деревья остаются такими, как и были.
Essay on the theme "Colors of autumn"
Home " Essays " Essays on the theme "Autumn" " Essay on the theme "Colors of autumn"
It is often said about autumn: the artist is autumn. In just a few days, autumn: "repaints" the landscape. Previously, the forest was green, but autumn came and changed the green to many colors and shades. Each type of tree was painted in its own color. Some trees turn lemon yellow and some turn orange. There are those that are painted in a thick dark yellow color, it is called ochre. There are also shades of red: crimson, crimson, dark red. Brown of all tones is also present in the palette of the autumn artist. There is also a shade called golden. Only evergreen trees remain as they were.
ответ:To be healthy is very important. You can work, learn and have fun only when you are healthy. Health is the man’s greatest wealth. Of course, you can inherit some problems from your parents. But you can always keep your health if you want to.
As for me, the healthy way of life does not mean to look, like a top model or a ballet-dancer. The human body needs a little fat, about 10% but not much more. So the first rule of healthy way of life is to have normal weight, not to be overweight, and not to change your weight quickly.
There are two ways to do so. You can regulate your diet and your exercise. I know some facts about these ways.
People in all times understood how important food is. To be healthy you need vitamins and fiber. You should eat fruit and vegetables. The English say “An apple a day keeps the doctor away”. It is because apples have vitamins and are good for your health. The most important vitamin is vitamin C, You can find it in lemons, oranges and even in cabbage. You can find fiber in plants. As for me, I eat fruit or vegetables every day. In the evening I usually have cabbage or boiled beetroots.
But if you eat fruit and vegetables, it does not mean that you keep to a healthy diet; there are things you should not eat much. They are chocolate, pasta, cakes and sweets. They have much fat and sugar. This food gives a lot of energy. If you do not work it out it becomes fat in your body. I don`t want to become fat. That is why I have apples or bananas for lunch. I eat sweets from time to time.
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