A Letter To a Friend Dear Angela, Thanks for your letter. I was very happy to receive it. I also miss you and the time we spent at the language camp. It seemed to be the best summer ever. But time goes by and at the moment I’m getting ready for final school exams. This year I have to pass the test in Russian, Maths, English and History. Russian and Maths are compulsory exams, while English and History were subjects that I chose. It is a difficult time for me because I revise for these exams day and night. I’m rather anxious about them. Hopefully, I will get good marks. At the same time I find some rare hours for leisure. I still visit my dance classes and have additional lessons of foreign languages. Other than English, I’ve taken up French this year. It is a beautiful and melodic language. The most difficult is French grammar. As you remember, I’ve always wanted to be an interpreter, so I think the more languages I know the better. I also go to the nearest public library sometimes. Its building is situated next to my block of flats. They have an excellent collection of foreign literature there. The weather in my city is really hot, so we often go to the river to swim and sunbathe. How is the weather in Tomsk now? I hope it’s warm too. When I walk in the park with my friends, I wish you were also here. You are always welcome to visit me. I’m sure, you’ll love my city. However, it’s better to be done after the exams. The last one is on the 15th of June. After that, I’ll be fully free and ready for my summer holidays. How are things with you? Did anything new happen in your life? I hope we will be able to meet up one day. Truly yours, Rita
Giraffe is one of the tallest animals on Earth. Giraffes live in the savannas of Africa. The largest population of giraffes today live in reserves. Giraffes are exclusively herbivores. They prefer trees of acacia. Fluid requirement is covered mainly by food, which is why the giraffe can go without drinking for weeks. If he still drinks, it can at one time up to 38 liters of drinking water. Giraffes live alone or in small flocks, not really tied to each other. Like fingerprints, color giraffe is also unique. I think giraffes are very beautiful animals and we must protect its habitat.
Теодор Драйзер, великий американський письменник прогресивний, народився в бідній родині в 1871 році. Він почав працювати на його життя, коли йому було шістнадцять років. Він мав ряд робочих місць, і у свій час був газетним репортертером. Як повідомляє він придбав великий досвід життя, який був великою до до нього, коли він узявся писати роман. Літературна кар'єра Драйзера почалася в 1900 році, коли була опублікована "Сестра Керрі". У цьому романі, а також у більш пізніх роботах, письменник викрив справжню природу американської "демократії" Драйзер був глибоко вражений Великою Жовтневою соціалістичною революцією. У 1927-28 він відвідав Радянський Союз, і з цього часу був щирим другом нашої країни. У 1945 році, у віці 74 років, він вступив у Комуністичну партію США. Драйзер помер у 1945 році. Уривок нижче походить від "Фінансиста" Френк Каупервуд в тринадцять показав, як хлопчик, який вже повністю обізнаний про силу грошей. Пізніше він стає типовим капіталістом, зупиняється не ставши багатим і могутнім
Thanks for your letter. I was very happy to receive it. I also miss you and the time we spent at the language camp. It seemed to be the best summer ever. But time goes by and at the moment I’m getting ready for final school exams. This year I have to pass the test in Russian, Maths, English and History. Russian and Maths are compulsory exams, while English and History were subjects that I chose. It is a difficult time for me because I revise for these exams day and night. I’m rather anxious about them. Hopefully, I will get good marks. At the same time I find some rare hours for leisure. I still visit my dance classes and have additional lessons of foreign languages. Other than English, I’ve taken up French this year. It is a beautiful and melodic language. The most difficult is French grammar. As you remember, I’ve always wanted to be an interpreter, so I think the more languages I know the better. I also go to the nearest public library sometimes. Its building is situated next to my block of flats. They have an excellent collection of foreign literature there. The weather in my city is really hot, so we often go to the river to swim and sunbathe. How is the weather in Tomsk now? I hope it’s warm too. When I walk in the park with my friends, I wish you were also here. You are always welcome to visit me. I’m sure, you’ll love my city. However, it’s better to be done after the exams. The last one is on the 15th of June. After that, I’ll be fully free and ready for my summer holidays. How are things with you? Did anything new happen in your life? I hope we will be able to meet up one day.
Truly yours,