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For example,some years ago the "roswell case" launched a hot discussion in the usa. a film showing the autopsy of an alien who died in a ufo crash in 1947 in roswell , new mexico ,gave what ufo believers claimed to be real proof that extraterrestrials exist. the us committee for the scientific investigation of claims of the paranormal examined the film carefully checking every detail , including the age and the quality of the film, the photographer , and the shots of the alien's organs . the investigation proved that the film was not real. нужен


Например, несколько лет назад "Roswell случае" запустила горячую дискуссию в США.Фильм, показывающий вскрытие иностранец, которыйпогиб в крушении НЛО в 1947 году в Розуэлле, Нью-Мексико, дал то, чтоНЛО верующих утверждал, что реальные доказательства того, чтоинопланетяне существуют.Комитет США по научному изучению заявлений опаранормальных рассмотрены фильм, тщательно проверяя каждую деталь, в том числе возраст и качество фильма, фотограф, и снимки органовиностранца. Исследования доказали, что фильм не был реальным.

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Ban mobile phones in schools


Many students choose their phone rather than by function, connected directly to the voice communication, as by the additional features in the gaming and multimedia sectors. A situation where the parents buy baby phone as a means of communication with him, but the unit itself has increasingly used as a gaming, entertainment device. Among adolescents level functional phone is a status indication of its owner. Current trends in the mobile industry and make the phone is in the terminal to access the social networking, instant messaging and so on. If earlier teenagers mainly use mobile devices for gaming, listening to tunes, now they are in addition also "sit" in the online services. However, due to the rapid advances in the capabilities of modern phones have problems of so-called "mobile etiquette." This is especially true for schools, for children aged 8-10 years (when he bought the phone) do not always understand where it is permitted to use it, and when not.
Teachers are faced with a problem that can be called a dependency of students on their mobile devices. Adolescents in the classroom play games, surf the web resources, writing SMS or chat online services. Besides the obvious physiological eye strain this pastime also prevent the creation of a normal working situation during zanyatiy.V our country the situation is similar. Phones have become accessible to a wide range of consumers, often children phone sold in primary school. And often the parents meet the request of the child to acquire it quite advanced models. Personally, I have several times seen in Petersburg junior pupils phones cost in the region of 20 million rubley.Vozvraschayas the topic of "mobile etiquette", it is appropriate to provide some general rules governing the use of mobile phones in school.

In a public place should be turned off the sound on the phone, leaving only vibrate;

Necessary to select a neutral tone for tone (especially should be approached with caution to use every "joke" ringtones;

It is unacceptable to interrupt communication with the teacher for the answer to the call or the message;

Thus, it seems appropriate to buy for school as simple phones that can provide only basic functions - calls and sending text messages. More advanced models usually are not always used in appropriate situations, which leads to conflicts with teachers. If possible, the student should buy two phones - easy for the school and more functional for use outside its walls. It is likely that in our schools will be allowed to use a list of phone models, as is the case at sensitive facilities. It is basically a multifunctional phone is not necessary for the learning process. The current generation of students are not always able to make good use of today's mobile devices, and when on-campus phone should perform well-defined functions. You can make a very simple conclusion from the above - should be very careful in choosing a phone for the student, so that the device does not become a hindrance to learning.

4,4(43 оценок)

1. I go to school every day.

2. She went to school an hour ago.

3. He has just gone out.


4. I will bring your book tomorrow morning.

5. She brought me the parcel 2 hours ago.

6. They have brought all the necessary equipment.



7. I wiil buy the bread on my way home.

8. We bought this TV a month ago.

9. He has bought a new car.


10. Liitle boys like to break their toys.

11. She broke her leg last year.

12. I have broken your favorite cup.


13. I prefer to drink coffee in the morning.

14. My cat drank a bottle of milk yesterday.

15. He has just drunk all your juice.


16. I do my homework every day.

17. She did a lot of work about the house yesterday.

18. My parents have done many good things for me.


19. I like to eat sweets very much.

20. He ate 2 boxes of chocolates last evening.

21. She has just eaten her breakfast.


22. I don't like to give my things to other people.

23. She gave me that book last week.

24. They have just given  me a great gift.


25. I will pay for your dinner.

26. They paid a lot of money for this house.

27. She has already paid for this car.


28. Little children like to run.

29. My cat ran away yesterday, and i still can't find it.

30. Your dog has just run away.


31. I don't like to write letters.

32. She wrote a story about her family last week.

33. He has just written a letter to his grandmother.


34. I will take these books with me, when I go to my grandparents.

35. They took many books from the library last Friday.

36. I have already  taken the keys, don't look for them.







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