I'm reading.
He's not writing.
We're not working.
Are you reading?
Is he sleeping?
Kolya and Misha are playing football.
Kate is playing the grandpiano.
She's not singing.
My sister's sleeping.
Is father drinking tea?
Are your parents drinking tea?
I'm not sleeping.
She's sitting at the table.
We're doing the exercise.
We're not sleeping.
Are they playing in the yard?
Nina and Anya are washing the floor.
Kolya is helping his mum.
Are you helping father?
My sister is reading an interesting book.
They are going to school.
Are you going to school?
Is he working?
Is your granny going to the store?
Is he buying sweets?
Where are they going?
What are these boys carrying?
What did they use long ago? Look at the pictures and match new things with the old. Now finish these sentences.
Long ago they used candles to see in the dark, now we use electricity. — Давно они использовали свечи, чтобы видеть в темноте, теперь мы используем электричество.
Long ago they counted on fingers, now we do maths on computers. — Давно они использовали пальцы, чтобы считать теперь мы делаем математику на компьютерах.
Long ago they rode horses, now we use cars. — Давно они ездили на лошадях, теперь мы используем автомобили.
Long ago they lived in caves, now we live in houses. — Давным - давно они жили в пещерах, сейчас мы живем в домах.
Long ago they used wood to cook, now we use gas. — Давно они использовали древесину, чтобы готовить, в настоящее время мы используем газ.
Long ago cups were made of metal, now they are made of plastic. — Давно чашки (кубки) были сделаны из металла, сейчас они сделаны из стекла.
2 Are Ann and Helen going to be actresses? Анна и Хэлен собираются стать актрисами?)
3 Is Harry going to be a vet? (Гарри собирается стать ветеринаром,)
4 What is Emily going to be? (Кем собирается стать Эмили?)
5 What are Dan and Sam going to be? (Кем собираются стать Дэн и Сэм?)
(ответы на вопросы согласно картинкам)