1. What were you doing when your sister came home yesterday? 2. Were you having supper at nine o'clock yesterday? 3. He didn’t go to the shop yesterday. 4. Nick went to bed at ten o'clock yesterday. 5. Rick wasn’t sleeping at eleven o'clock yesterday. 4. When we were playing in the yard yesterday, it suddenly started raining heavily. 5. I saw Mike when he was crossing the street. 6. Dan fell off the tree while he was rescuing his granny. 7. Last night I was reading in the bed when suddenly a black sphere appeared in the middle of my room and transfered me to some unknown reality. 8. I wasn’t driving very fast when I saw a meteor falling from the sky. 9. They were waiting for a taxi when an earthquake began. 10. Bob took a nap while I was painting his face with a permanent marker. 11. What were you doing at this time last year? – I was doing nothing as I always do. 12. Mary was cookin some food; John was trying to assemble the airplane model; Sam was helping John to fail when suddenly the ground split apart and the house they were all in fell into the formed pit. 13. I opened the shutters and looked out. The car was standing right where the wheel had fallen off. 14. Suddenly I realized that they wasn’t paying attention to anyone any longer because the medicine had worked. 15. When I was reading this sentence I understood that it was the last one and I was free at last.
1) Valery Borisovich Kharlamov
2) hockey
3) 14 January 1948
4) height 173 cm, weight-75 kg
5) persistent, a little stubborn.
6) 2 orders of the red banner of Labor (1975, 1978) - for victories in the USSR national team at the world ice hockey Championships 1975 and 1978
order "badge of Honor" (03.03.1972) - for the victory in the USSR team at the 1972 Olympics
medal "for labor valor" (30.05.1969) - for the victory in the USSR team at the world Cup 1969
7) Little Valera started playing hockey ... so as not to freeze. His father Boris Sergeevich liked drive goal and often bought these with a seven-year-old son. In the unheated locker room was very cold and dad put it on skates, so he quickly warmed up. The world could not know hockey player Valery Kharlamov, if parents did not give up on the prohibitions of doctors – at 14 years old boy fell ill with severe sore throat, which gave complications to many organs. On top of that revealed a heart defect and rheumatic heart disease – inflammation of the most important muscles of the body. How to train and play with such a diagnosis? Except that butterflies with a butterfly net to catch, but without any sudden movements. But just at this time a summer skating rink was opened on Leningradsky prospect. Boris Sergeevich, without hesitation, grabbed his son and led him to enroll in the hockey section. However, treatment nobody scored again in three months Valera and dad have a visit to the Morozov hospital. As a result, doctors stated: "Healthy!".
8) he is my favorite athlete because he is very popular, strives to win, plays well.
1) Харламов Валерий Борисович
2) Хоккей
3) 14 января 1948 года
4) Рост 173 см, Вес-75 кг
5) настойчивый, немного упрямый.
6) 2 ордена Трудового Красного Знамени (1975, 1978) - за победы в составе сборной команды СССР на чемпионатах мира по хоккею 1975 и 1978 гг
орден "Знак Почета" (03.03.1972) - за победу сборной команды СССР на Олимпиаде-1972
медаль "За трудовую доблесть" (30.05.1969) - за победу в составе сборной СССР на чемпионате мира 1969
7) Маленький Валера начал играть в хоккей ... чтобы не замерзнуть. Его отец Борис Сергеевич любил гонять гол и часто покупал эти с семилетним сыном. В неотапливаемой раздевалке было очень холодно и папа надел на нее коньки, чтобы он быстро разогрелся. Мир не мог знать хоккеиста Валерия Харламова, если бы родители не отказались от запретов врачей-в 14 лет мальчик заболел тяжелой ангиной, которая дала осложнения многим органам. Вдобавок ко всему выявлен порок сердца и ревматическое заболевание сердца – воспаление важнейших мышц организма. Как тренироваться и играть с таким диагнозом? Разве что бабочек сачком ловить, но без резких движений. Но как раз в это время на Ленинградском проспекте открылся летний каток. Борис Сергеевич, не долго думая, схватил сына и повел его поступать в хоккейную секцию. Однако лечение никто не забил, снова через три месяца Валера с папой посещают Морозовскую больницу. В результате врачи констатировали: "здоровы!".
8) он мой любимый спортсмен, потому что он очень популярен, стремится к победе, играет хорошо.