I`d like to describe picture N1. The picture shows the boy standing near the rails. I suggest that it`s a railway station. He is holding a big suitcase with one hand. The boy is small, he`s nearly 6 or 7 years old. He`s wearing a warm jacket and a cap. I like this picture. The boy is pretty, it`s interesting to look at him. It`s quite a nice portrait.
Мне бы хотелось описать картинку №1. На картинке показан мальчик, стоящий рядом с рельсами. Я полагаю, это железнодорожная станция. Он держит большой чемодан одной рукой. Мальчик маленький, ему около 6 или 7 лет. Он одет в теплую куртку и кепку. Мне нравится эта картинка. Мальчик симпатичный, на него интересно смотреть. Это довольно хороший портрет.
Dear Claire,
Thank for your letter a lot. I'm sorry I haven't answered earlier but I was really busy with my school.
Personally, I tried to lose weight year ago and I did it. Let me give you some advice.
first of all, exercise is very important if you want to get in good shape. But exercise alone is not enough if your goal is to lose weight. You must use or burn off more calories than you take in to lose weight. When you eat more calories than your body needs, it stores that extra energy as fat. So, you have to find the best diet just for you because some of them may not suit you. As for me, I was on the Atkins diet.I wish you good luck and don't overdo it.
Take care and keep in touch.
With love,