. What were you doing (Past Continuous) when I called (Past Simple) you?
2. They were cleaning (Past Continuous)the windows when it started (Past Simple) to rain.
3. Nora was riding (Past Continuous) her bicycle when she noticed (Past Simple)a nice kitten.
4. While I was doing (Past Continuous)my homework the telephone rang (Past Simple).
5. While we were washing (Past Continuous)the floor we found (Past Simple)a key.
6. He heard (Past Simple)a loud noise when he was sitting (Past Continuous)in the garden.
7. Linda was typing (Past Continuous)a letter when her boss arrived (Past Simple).
8. Melany was cooking(Past Continuous) dinner when her husband came (Past Simple) home.
9. When he was driving (Past Continuous)to work, he remembered (Past Simple)that his briefcase was (Past Simple) still at home.
10. Kelly was looking (Past Continuous) out of the window when she saw Mike.
Theo:Hi Holly how's it going?
Holly:Fine,thanks.How about you?
Theo:Yeah ,not bad.I've passed all my exams.
Holly:Well done!How!
Theo:Thanks!The exams weren't easy.What have you been up to?
Holly:Well,my brother's had an accident.He's broken his leg.
Theo:What a shame.Is it serious?
Holly:No,not really.He's at home now.His football team's in the final but he can't play.
Theo:Oh no!I'm sorry to hear that.
Holly:Yes.But my other news is that we're going to Thailand for our holidays.
Theo:Wow!That's!I think i'm going to summer school.
Holly:Really?Lucky you!
Объяснение:Я устала пока печатала этоНадеюсь что правильно
Студенту вопросы (не показывают эти студента B)
1) Что такое величайшее изобретение когда-нибудь?
2) какое изобретение вы бы хотели изобрести?
3) в чем мать-природа величайшее изобретение?
4) Что значит " голь на выдумки хитра’ означает? Согласны ли вы с ним?
5) Что в мире самое бесполезное изобретение?
6) каким был мир раньше колесо было изобретено?
7) Как вы думаете, человек, который изобрел атомную бомбу был доволен своим открытием?
8) делать новые изобретения всегда создавать новые проблемы?
9) как люди изобретают что-то новое?
10) Какой вопрос вы бы хотели задать изобретателем?