Hi Mick,
Thank you for your letter. I'm fine, how do you do? I know one goodbook, it's called "Alice in wonderland". I read it several months ago, my dad had recommended it me. He told it was interesting and kind. It is about a girl who found a magical rabbit hole leading to another dimension. It is a fairy tale. I like fairy tales because they always have a good ending, and the forces of good always gain victory.
On the holidays you can also play board games with your friends or ride bicycle. Or anything you can ride. Can you ride bicycle, can't you?
Please, write back soon.
Best wishes,
Привет Мик за письмо. У меня дела хорошо, а как твои? Я знаю одну хорошую книгу, она называется "Алиса в стране чудес". Я прочла её несколько месяцев назад, мой папа мне её порекомендовал. Он сказал, она хорошая и добрая. Она о девочке, нашедшей магическую кроличью нору, ведущую в другое измерение. Это сказка. Я люблю сказки, потому что у них всегда добрая концовка и добрые силы всегда одерживают победу.
На каникулах ты можешь также сыграть в настольные игры с друзьями или покататься на велосипеде. Ну или на чём ты можешь покататься. Ты умеешь кататься на велосипеде, не так ли напиши скорее.
Всего хорошего,
One of the problems is pollution. The air is polluted because of car fumes. It makes we feel ill and we have sometimes problems with breathing. What can we do to prevent it? First of all we should leave our cars at home and use our bicycles or walk more often, so cities would be less polluted.
In cities are less green areas. If we had more trees, we would have more oxygen. The authorities should create more parks. I think that would be good sollution. Also for children, who would be able to play safely.
Third of problems is rubbish. We should always throw our litter into bins. In my opinion the authorieties should put bins on every street corner. Other sollution of this problem is recycling. We should recycle our needless things. As a result there wouldn't be so much rubbish everywhere. And these 'needless things' could be used again instead of thrown away.
To same up, if we want make our cities more environmentally friendly, we can do it - it's easy!
My dear friend!
I want to congratulate you to your 16h birthday.
Wishing you all the best on your special day!I hope all your wishes come true! I wish you always to have cheerful mood, good health, strength to resist difficulties , big success in all your dealings!
Alex Ivanov
Мой дорогой друг!
Я хочу поздравить тебя с 16летием!
Желаю тебе всего самого наилучшего в этот день! Я надеюсь, все твои желания сбудуться! Хорошего настроения, здоровья, стойкости и удачи во всех делах!
Алекс Иванов