Are you sure you know how to protect the environment?
What You Can Do to Reduce Pollution from Vehicles and Engines?
Also in production process we take all known measures in order not to pollute the environment.
To destroy a buildings, because it is very old or dangerous.
Its production does not cause any damage to nature.
My thoughts and condolences go out to the families of the victims of this terrible disaster.
We are less than 36 hours away from a nuclear disaster.
This has been both a human tragedy and an ecological disaster.
Eco-innovation is a major component in winning the fight against global warming.
I wish to repeat that the ecological crisis is a moral issue.
The impact of the global crisis on Central Asia is not even.
We have to act now if we want to prevent an ecological disaster.
1.He may get sick 2. He may not get sick. 3. He may be sick. 4. He may be sick. 5. He may be getting sick. 6. Is he getting sick? 7. 7. He couldn't get sick! 8. It cannot be that he gets sick. 9. Maybe he's getting sick? 10. Is he sick?
11. He could not get sick. 12. Anyone can get sick. 13. A simple cold can be dangerous. 14. This cold can be dangerous. 15. Can't a cold be dangerous? 16. I could easily get sick before. 17. He was able to recover. 18. He could have recovered, but he was not on medication. 19. Maybe he will get well? 20. You could tell me he was sick!
21. Maybe he can get well. 22. Can he get well? 23. It cannot be that he recovered. 24. Maybe he's already recovered.25. No one can help him. 26. I could help you. 27. We could not help but help him. 28. I used to be able to help people. 29. It cannot be that he helped you. 30. Did they really help you?
31. Is he already helping you? 32. Has he been helping you for a long time? 33. Could help me more often. 34. It cannot be that he is helping you now. 35. Why didn't you help me! 36. Perhaps they have already helped him. 37. Maybe they will help us? 38. Will they be able to help us? 39. It cannot be that he is married. 40. I ran much faster when I was little.
1. ought. - Тебе следует писать чаще своей матери.
2. can. - Я могу говорить на английском.
3. must. - Он должен быть дома сейчас.
4. have to - Ты должен учиться, чтобы получить профессию.
5. could. - Можно мне еще чашку чая?
6.can. - Я могу быстро бегать.
7. may - Можно задать вопрос?
8. has to - Он должен постоянно заниматься, если он хочет знать французский хорошо.
9.Can - Можешь плавать бабочкой?
10. Would - Ты бы хотел еще кофе?
1. I knew that Petrov lived in Kiev.
2. She said that her best friend was a doctor.
3. We didn't know where our friends had gone.
4. I knew that you had been ill.
5. He said he would send us a letter.
6. He said he was staing at the hotel.
7. He said he worked at the University.
8. He said he had already finished the work.
9. She said he was writing a play.
10. They said they lived in Kiev.