Здесь пишу вопросы и сразу ответы, чтобы Вы не запутались: 1.Поставьте следующие предложения в Past и Future Indefinite Tense: a)People want raw materials. People wanted raw materials. People will want raw materials. б)Civization increases man`s wants to surprising extent. Я считаю, что в исходном тексте опечатка. Слова Civization нет в словаре. Civilization increased man`s wants to surprising extent. Civilization will increase man`s wants to surprising extent. 2.Преобразуйте предложения в отрицательные и вопросительные: а)He goes to the library in the evenings. He don't go to the library in the evenings. When does he go to the library? б)The boy is a very good volley-ball player. The boy is not a very good volley-ball player. Is the boy a very good volley-ball player? 3.Образуйте общие вопросы: а)They live not far from this house. Do they live not far from this house. б)You go to bed at eleven. Do you go to bed at eleven. 4.Местоимения стоящие в скобках,употребите в соответствующей форме: а)I don`t know (they). I don`t know them. б)Come to see (we) in the evening. Come to see us in the evening.