Мне многое нравится в этой жизни.Я очень люблю своих родителей и проводить времени с ними.Из спортивный занятий Мне нравится боевые единоборство ,это занятие укрепляет дух и силу.Я в этом кружке я нашел много друзей. Еще я очень сильно люблю своих друзей с ними не соскучишься. я люблю заниматься спортом,играть футбол вместе с друзьями Это очень увлекательная игра.Что бы играть футбол нужно быть выносливым и быстро бегать. Мне нравится изучать английский язык.Я б хотела побывать в Англии. I like many things in this life.A love my parents and spend time with nimi.Iz sports lessons I like martial arts, this exercise strengthens the spirit and silu.Ya in this circle, I found a lot of friends. I also very much love my friends do not get bored with them. I love to play sports, play soccer with his friends This is very exciting to play football igra.Chto need to be strong and run fast. I like to learn English yazyk.Ya'd like to go to England.
1. I am glad (to be introduced) to you. 2. The box was (to be handled) with care. You should (ask) someone (to help) you. This might not (have happened). 3. Her mood seems (to have changed) for the worse. We had better not (speak) to her now. 4. I am sorry (to have disappointed) you but I did not mean anything of the kind. 5. He is happy (to have been awarded) the first Landscape Prize for his picture. 6. He was anxious (to take) the first place in the figure-skating competition. 7. The poem can easily (be memorized). 8. This poem is easy (to memorize). 9. I did not expect (to be asked) this question. 10. There were so many things (to do), so many experiments (to try). 11. The teacher expected him (to give) a better answer at the examination. 12. They are supposed (to have benn experimenting) in this field for about a year and are believed (to have achieved) good results. 13. He must (have read) something funny; he is smiling all the time