I have a not very big family. It consists of four people: my mother, my father, my sister and me. My sister and I are pupils. We go to the same school. My father is an engineer. He works at a large plant. My mother is a housewife, she doesn* t work, but has a lot of things to do. Our family also have pet. I love my dear family very much.
у меня есть не очень большая семья. она состоит из 4 человек: моей мама, папы, сестры и меня. Мы с сестрой ученики. Мыходим в одну и туже школу. мой папа инженер. он работает на большом заводе. моя мама домохозяйка. она не работает, но имеет много дел. у нашей семьи есть домашнее животное. я очень люблю мою дорогую семью.
1. The garden fence is being repaired (by someone). 2. Is Latin taught at this school? 3. I don't like being pointed at. 4. He was hit on the head with a tennis racquet. 5. The preparations have been made by Michael. 6. Is the house being cleared by Tim? 7. Whom were the Pyramids built by? 8. We are going to be given a pay rise by the boss. 9. My car is expected to be delivered soon. 10. The suspects are being questioned by the police. 11. Were the thieves seen by your next door neighbours? 12. Paul remembers being asked by his teacher to star in the school play. 13. Computers are used by a lot of children nowadays. 14. Whom was the kitchen window smashed by? 15. The work will not have been completed by the end of the month. 16. The letters will be posted by children. 17. Pancakes are made from flour, eggs and milk. 18. Had the window been closed by Helen before she left the house? 19. The housework hasn't been done by Jill yet. 20. The parcel may not be delivered today.