The most important in choosing your future profession is what you are interested in . What field of education is attractive for you .Today the most popular professions are lawyers and economists. You should decide and choose yourself what future profession you will have after finishing school. It is generally believed that professions should be both prestigious and interesting. But it's very difficult to get money and have an interesting profession. Listen to your heart and it will show you the most right way to go .
This question is very important and popular nowdays.When you choose your career,you must be very careful.There are lots of jobs and some of them demanded and some not.Of course,you should follow your heart and pick the profession you like,but there are so many lawyers,managers,PR agents that you won't have a possibility to find actual job.
Halloween is a holiday celebrated on October 31. Holiday name means "sacred" or "Holy evening", because it is the eve of All Saints Day.He said that Halloween is the eve of the New Year. They dress up in special costumes, they eat too much and too late to celebrate.The children go around the city to wear makeup, and dressed in masks and colorful costumes. The most common costumes of witches, ghosts, skeletons, and popular TV, movie and book characters. Some costumes homemade, others buy in stores. Children go from door to door saying "trick or treat." People give them candy, cookies, fruit or money. Sometimes collect money to help UNICEF (United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund).Houses, shops, and classrooms are decorated in traditional Halloween colors, orange and black. Usually jewelry witches, black cats, ghosts, skeletons and jack-o-lanterns. Jack-o-lanterns from pumpkins carved to look like a face. They are placed on doors and windows, horror movies and Ghost stories shown on TV in this day.
Каждый день церемонии, известной как смена караула происходит в передней части.Букингемский дворец между 10.45 и 11:45 утра 2. В лондонском Тауэре туристов хотите принять участие в исторических спектаклей. 3. London Eye дает своим пассажирам открывается фантастический вид на Темзу. Туристы обычно принимают много фотографий центре Лондона во время поездки. 4. Кто заботится о воронов в Тауэре? - Специальный человек: Raven Мастер. 5. королевской гвардии не снимают свои большие меховые шапки, даже в летнее время. Так перевёл переводчик.