Christmas is approaching, so I’ve decided to write a letter to you.
I hope it finds you well.
As for me, I’ve been a good girl all this year.
I helped my mum a lot indoing household chores.
At school I was also a diligent student.
I nevermissed the classes without a valid reason.
That’s why I think that I deserve a present for Christmas.
I know that you have to visit millions of children around the world and it’s difficult to carry all presents at once. But, if you ever pass by our town, please visit my house and bring me one special present.
I would like to receive a puppy as a present, but only if it’s not too heavy for you to carry that many presents.
Thanks for reading my letter.
I’m looking forward to this Christmas.
Сегодня был мой первый визит в музей. Мне очень понравилось. Я познакомился со многими культурными шедеврами мира. Нам рассказали историю о каждой скульптуре, картине. Чувствовалось, как находишься там и одновременно находишься в нескольких эпохах. В общем, очень интересно. Хочу пойти туда снова.
Today was my first visit to the museum. I really liked it. I met a lot of cultural masterpieces in the world. Story was told us of each sculpture, painting. It felt like being there at the same time is a few eras. Overall, very interesting. I want to go there.
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