The mosquito is a small insect. It flies and bites people and animals. Mosquito likes to drink blood. Usually mosquitoes live in the forests in the summer, but sometimes they fly in the house and bite people. Because people do not like them and try to hang the nets on the windows. When people go to relax in the forest they put on long-sleeved clothing. Birds love to eat mosquitoes and feed their children.
Комар это маленькое насекомое. Оно летает и кусает людей и животных. Оно любит пить кровь. Обычно комары живут в лесах летом, но иногда они прилетают в дом и кусают там людей. Поэтому люди их не любят и стараются вешать сетки на окна. Когда люди идут отдохнуть в лес они надевают одежду с длинными рукавами. Птицы любят питаться комарами и кормить ими своих детей.
1. yes, cinema is. People not usually go to cinema. My family and my friends often go to the cinema. 2.When i go to the cinema, I like sit in the center. 3. I think, that TV and video have a great impact. TV show on a lot of publicity, including new films. 4. today cinema is more popular, but many people like theatre too. 5. "Название кинотеатра который самый популярный у вас" is 6."We are from the Future", "Pearl Harbor", I like this films, and I thiink, that many people like films about war. 7. Tom&Jerry - cartoon of all time! "Just you wait!" - my favourite Russian cartoons. 8. If parents think, that their children can watch horror films, it is their right. But I think it is dangerous for small children. it injures them 9.Documentaries is a history, and people always interested in the history. 10. I watch different movies, often on the mood