В середині літа я провів літні канікули за містом у бабусі і дідуся. У них я всіляко намагався їм до по дому, городу, господарству. Годував собаку, кота, курей. Намагався вести себе добре і не псувати дідуся з бабусею настрій. Вони мною були задоволені і намагалися мені у всьому догодити. Питали, що мені купити і робили мені подарунки.
В кінці літа я провів літні канікули в таборі в лісі біля озера. Мені там дуже сподобалося.Думаю, що навчальний рік буде цікавим, і я його теж постараюся провести корисно для себе і оточуючих мене людей.
"Essay how I spent my summer vacation"
This summer I spent summer vacation in the most productive and useful. I didn't just spend days sitting at a computer, a TV, went on the streets. I helped my parents around the house. Asked them to give me a task and executes it diligently.
Reality surpassed all fears. Although the day before I did his guarded himself and his wife from increased discomfort, for example, in any case could not be overdone to the treacherous Egyptian sun. So you do not moan with pain in the back, which should clock rub on the passenger seat bus. Was chosen the most comfortable shoes, clothing, prepared water, pour into a small bottle of 200 grams of whiskey in case of "sugrevu" because the list of things mentioned by the organizing tours, means warm clothes.
On the way it was programmed dive in the Dead Sea, so we were taken towels, swimwear, soap. Well, just in case of fire tablet: coal, headache, validol, noshpa, fistal.
Trip we bought, of course, in nayam Bay. At "Itali tour", as in February. For just $ 90 per person. Prices fell. In February, there were 110. A travel agent, Sure thing, much more expensive. 230 requests Tez Tour, and some campaign, whose representative sits in the lobby of the hotel - all $ 250. And this despite the fact that the tourists have bought so different in the cost of travel, often found in the same bus.
So everything was kind provided, for its route. The trouble came from an unexpected quarter.
In the evening, about 20 hours, at the exit from the coast, as the bus was taking tourists from the farthest away, we went out to get some air. And then his wife suddenly said:
- You know, I'm like a little nauseated ... Here.
And put his left hand on his stomach in the stomach.
I immediately responded to correct the sentence:
- Let's not go? Let's go back to the hotel?
- Oh no! You what? Go, of course! It's probably me a little seasick on the bus. Or an allergy to the smell of interior trim ... - strongly objected spouse.
Truly correctly say - if you do not know what to do, ask the advice of a woman and do the opposite!
I did not. What in the next 35 hours repeatedly regretted.
And not long before that, it was such a cheerful ...
Charles was born on the forteenth of July in nineteen ninety four
Ruth was born on the sixth of Janury in two thousand and one
Anthony was born on the seventieth of August in nineteen ninety six
Roger was born on the twenty nineth of December in two thousand and two
Lizzy was born on the thirteenth of September in nineteen eighty six
Helen was born on the fourth of November in nineteen fifty three
John was born on the first of February in nineteen forty eight
Chiris was born on the thirtieth of January in nineteen seventy three
Alice was born on the twenty eighth of June in nineteen eighty