Mum is cooking dinner now.( Мама сейчас готовит обед. ) I am playing computer games at the moment. ( В данный момент я играю в компьютерные игры. ) He is eating now. ( Он сейчас ест. ) She is washing dishes now. ( Она сейчас моет посуду. ) They are watching TV at the moment. ( В данный момент они смотрят телевизор. ) Andrew is sleeping now.( Андрей сейчас спит. ) We are playing chess at the moment. ( Мы сейчас играем в шахматы. ) She is not playing boar games at the moment. She is doing her homework.( В данный момент она не играет в настольные игры. Она делает своё домашние задание. ) Are they eating now? ( Они сейчас едят? ) I am cleaning my room now. ( Сейчас я прибираюсь в своей комнате. ) Хочу отметить, что все предложения в настоящем продолженном времени, Present Continuous. Успехов!
Opening mikhail lomonosov enriched many branches of knowledge . developed atomic-molecular representation of the structure of matter . during the rule of the caloric theory maintained that heat due to the motion of corpuscles . formulated the principle of conservation of matter and motion. foreclosed phlogiston number of chemical agents. laid the foundations of physical chemistry. researched atmospheric electricity and gravity. color theory put forward . created a number of optical devices. opened to the atmosphere venere.mihail lomonosov was born november 19, 1711 in the village denisovka ( now the village lomonosovo ) family of pomorie. at age 19, went to study ( from 1731 to the slavic-greek -latin academy in moscow, from 1735 at the academic university in st. petersburg , in 1736-41 in germany). since 1742 associate , 1745 academician of the petersburg academy of sciences .