Three kittens - black, gray and white - saw the mouse and rushed after it! The mouse jumped into the can of flour.
Kittens follow her!
The mouse ran away.
And three white kittens got out of the can.
Three white kittens saw a frog in the yard and rushed after it! The frog jumped into an old samovar pipe. Kittens follow her! ”The frog galloped away, and three black kittens climbed out of the pipe. Three black kittens saw a fish in the pond and rushed after it! The fish swam away, and three wet kittens emerged from the water. The three wet kittens went home. On the way they dried up and became as they were: black, gray and white.
Instructor: Today you are going to learn to do turns. What do you need to do before you start moving?
Student: I need to check mirrors, fasten my seat belt, press the brake pedal, turn on engine, press the turn signal and check for any cars, pedestrians or obstacles on my way.
Instructor: Right. Now you will go straight and then turn right. But before you turn, you must ask yourself the question, 'Is it safe to carry out the manoeuvre?'
Student: What's "a manoeuvre"?
Instructor: It's any action involving a change to your speed or position. When you are sure that it's safe to proceed, give the signal and remember to do it in plenty of time. Then check all around again and turn.
Student: Ok, I got it.
Instructor: Let's go then.